The only problem with spending years at Boomtown Festival is that everything else is shit in comparison. Reading Festival it's been 6 years since I last went and they still have a terrible sound set up, dangerous layouts and poor crowd control.
#boomtown #readingfestival #readingandleeds #Festival
Boomtown 2023 #boomtown #reggaeville #music #reggae #dancehall
#boomtown #reggaeville #music #reggae #dancehall
Boomtown 2023 #boomtown #reggaeville #music #reggae #dancehall
#boomtown #reggaeville #music #reggae #dancehall
Excuse me universe, I do not have the time to be sick 😂
This time next week I'll be enjoying my pre Boomtown Costa and I better not be coughing and squeezing whilst doing it!
Yeah Download 2023 traffic is bad but did you queue for Boomtown 2017 because THAT was something else.
#downloadfestival #download #boomtown #boomtownfestival
Si vous aimez faire des #concerts magiques en #festival avec tellement de scènes et de musiques différentes que vous ne savez plus où donner de la tête durant 5 jours et que vous allez en #Angleterre au mois d'août, j'ai ce qu'il vous faut! Je revends ma place pour le #Boomtown car je ne peux finalement pas m'y rendre cette année T_T
#concerts #festival #angleterre #boomtown #bass #music #electronic #boomtownfair #ticket #resale