#Berlin companies, a friend of a friend and Ukraine refugee is looking for a job in a first level support (chat & email) role. They speak fluent English, Ukrainian & Russian. If you have any leads, please send them my way. <3
Je viens de donner 90€. Pour les gens qui paient des impôts, ça représente 22 petits euros.
Déjà 2000 mort⋅es, aidez-les bordel.
#seisme #maroc #croixrouge #boostok #earthquake #marocco
Heh, kurze Umfrage weil im beruflichen Umfeld grad so:
Auf Slides zum geringen Frauen*-Anteil in der IT wird der kurze, repräsentierende Balken **ROSA** gefärbt. Der andere, lange Balken ist neutral.
Dazu 4 Personen: rosa (Frau), blau (Mann), neutral (2 Männer)
Rosa-Blau-Stereotyp wurde hier bewusst gewählt, um den großen Unterschied zu verdeutlichen, nicht um IT als" nicht für Frauen*" zu kennzeichnen.
Findet ihr die Rosa-Blau-Verwendung hier okay? #boostOK :boost_ok:
Dear #AskFedi:
What are some decent self-hostable realtime text chat services that are:
- Similar enough to Discord or WhatsApp to be intuitive for new users
- Open Source
- Has decent client options for web, iOS, and Android
- Support OAuth sign-in from custom providers (i.e., Mastodon)
- Relatively easy to stand up and low-maintenance to keep running
How is it possible slash legal that the City of #Edmonton has zero idea who is doing construction on their roadways/water systems, repeatedly, without any notice given to residents?
How is it possible that we get notices for events twenty blocks away, but not for repeated road and alley closures literally adjacent to our lot that cut off our access & cause extreme noise all day long?
I am so, so tired of this.
Heute nacht sind alle meine #docker container, bei denen `restart: unless-stopped` gesetzt war runtergefahren. Es war einfach alles aus.
Es gab keinen Server neustart oder sonstige interaktion meinersetis. Container mit `restart: always` haben überlebt.
Kennt das jemand, und WARUM?????
So I think I’ve leveled up my smoking game with this new Purple Rose Supply cigar mold I just got. Smoked my first diy Cannagar (ie Weed Cigar) and fuckkkkkk it’s so good and so smooth 💨
But I’m newish to smoking blunts and I’m looking for recommendations for wraps to use for them.
I kinda like when they have a little bit of sweetness to them because it reminds me of the shitty blunts we used to buy from the gas station to roll with when I was a teenager.
Anyway, hook me up fedi potheads, tell me all your blunty secrets pretty please 🥺
#cannabis #pothead #askfedi #boostok #cannagar
In search of new instance! #boostOK
Does anyone know of any #gardening #plants #florespondence #bloomscrolling #sustainability #instances that are accepting new folks?
I am on mastodon.gardensoul.org, but the instance has been down for almost a full day now without any notice or status update. While I hope it'll come back, might be good to have a plan b.
#boostok #gardening #plants #florespondence #bloomscrolling #sustainability #instances #isoinstance
I was just pointed to this by a co-worker, anyone on fedi have experience with this thing?
quick q. I just got back from the basement and - are there Black Widow spiders in #AB? I have read that yes, but mostly in the south.
I saw a thing that looked suspiciously like one. Did not get close for obvious reasons, but it had a round, black body, and a white mark in the centre.
I am now freaking the f**** out and I don't know what do!!? what does one do
please for the love of everything holy do NOT post pictures in your response, thx!!
There is STT = Self Tie Tuesday on Fetlife
#selftiesaturday #boostok #pleaseboost #shibari #selfsuspension #ropebondage #selftie #ropehottie #ropeart
#selftiesaturday #boostok #pleaseboost #shibari #selfsuspension #ropebondage #selftie #ropehottie #ropeart
Dites les admins des instances francophones, vous en dites quoi d'une coopération / union / syndicat des instances du fédiverse francophones ?
J'ai entendu dire que les italien·nes ont une sorte d'organisation similaire !
Apparently my friend wasn't convinced yet that she should do feet content. Here's another pic. Let's make this one go truly nuts please 🥺
#feet #nsfw #footFetish #feetFetish #foot #kink #toes #boostok
#boostok #toes #kink #foot #feetfetish #footfetish #nsfw #feet
I did a little self tying session last week and it was a lot of fun! Here’s a few of the pics I took before I really chose violence with the rest of the tie 😅
And the pics from *after* I chose and committed to violence are available here:
And hopefully soon at:
I do appreciate boosts if you are so inclined 💖
#transgirls #transporn #rope #bondage #sadienightshade #transgirlsdoitbetter #ropebunny #onlyfans #onlytrans #boostok
#boostok #onlytrans #onlyfans #ropebunny #transgirlsdoitbetter #sadienightshade #bondage #rope #transporn #transgirls
Ich habe gelesen, dass die Ausprägung von Symptomen auch v. Hormonstatus abhängt. Je mehr die Balance in Richtung weiblicher Hormonlage geht, desto schlechter die Symptomatik. Was die Häufigkeit an weiblichen (oft jungen) Betroffenen erklären könnte. Eine regelmäßige Schwankung des Hormonspiegels (Absenkung v. Testosteron) gibt es wohl auch bei Männern. Ein Symptomtagebuch kann dabei helfen nachzuvollziehen und einzuordnen.
#Postcovid #brainfog #boostok #followerpower
Does anyone have any good articles I could read about un- and under-banked people and the things that keep them un- and under-banked? Especially from a leftist perspective. I would love to read a bunch about this problem. #BoostOK :boosts_ok:
Mechanical keyboard friends, where can I purchase *low profile* brown switches that are known to fit ZSA keyboards, like these https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B092JJNS19/ but any will do — *from Germany*.
I found a few eBay US sellers that look sketchy and don’t ship outside the US.
#keyboards #mechanicalkeyboards #boostok
Veo Corva (findable here as @vicorva) is kickstarting their next book: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/381351683/the-beautiful-decay. I’ve really enjoyed their previous two books (one in this series and one not). They tend to be quite cozy without being absent if tension and conflict. Check it out if queer fantasy is your thing. #books #BoostOK
Long shot, does anyone know where Debian keeps a change log for NMU (non-maintainer-uploads, as per https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#special-version-conventions)?
Example: https://debian.pkgs.org/11/debian-main-amd64/gosu_1.12-1+b6_amd64.deb.html
I want to do know the differences is in all +b0-6.
Source page & changelog are silent on this: https://packages.debian.org/stable/source/misc/gosu / https://metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs//main/g/gosu/gosu_1.12-1_changelog
#linux #sysadmin #debian #apt #boostok