Une vidéo intéressante sur pourquoi ne pas utiliser Boostrap aujourd'hui.
Vous ne devriez pas utiliser Bootstrap... par
Benjamin Code
Je pense que @brunus partage une bonne partie des arguments :D .
Et au final aujourd'hui je suis d'accord 😅
#devweb #frontend #boostrap #css #grid
Help needed: I want to customize #jupyterhub a little bit, the login page, etc. I got some of it done, thanks to the explanations here: https://professorkazarinoff.github.io/jupyterhub-engr114/login_page/ and some other instructions. So I got the colors, and the layout, and added the logo I need. But I also want to change the font, and I'm quite confused about "where". JH uses #boostrap 3.4.1, so my question is: should I add a font there (in the Bootstrap "components" folder, and tinker with #less/#css files, or there's some other way?