Hello South #Liverpool and #Merseyside
Some of you know I live for Zumba. The council run sports centres #Lifestyles have started clamping down on casual passes. I'm unwilling to Liverpool City Council any personal data for reasons I will make obvious.
So I am now looking for a queer run exercise class. Preferably in the morning and music and dance themed. Preferably in walking distance.
If I can't find a class I'm going to get training to lead a class. So also let me know if you want a class and are sick of wafer-thin "allyship".
P.S. I've dropped my block on mastodon dot social so I can get my voice out. I really do want to know if there is a good class out there.
#boostswelcome #lifestyles #merseyside #liverpool
Do you think the house of commons should be made to meet in a 40 year old reinforced aerated autoclaved concrete building?
Having spent a few hours catching up on allegations and how concerns and grievances have been handled by #Fosstodon admins so far I wonder if it's time for my first #FediMove to an instance more aligned with my values (and one that lets me emit the occasional toot in 🇩🇪).
Problem is, I don't know where to go 😓
My dream instance has always been chaos.social - any #recommendations for an #instance along similar lines?
#fosstodon #fedimove #recommendations #instance #instancerecs #boostswelcome
I want to add a ‘Share via email’ button to #Shareon, the share buttons I develop. What should the icon for that button be?
Does anyone know an open source Android app to split expenses between friends?
Use case for example shopping for shared flats or vacation trips.
I think this comment sums up the situation:
"It doesn't matter what the icon is meant to be, it matters what people actually think when they see it. EVERYONE I've spoken to about it (all women) has independently come up with the thought that it looks like a dick and balls."
I'd love for more actual humans to weigh in on the conversation. If you have a GitHub account, give the issue and/or comments a react.
Does anyone work in document control? Specifically, SOPs (not training aids). I was wondering if there are courses/ISO yokes for them?
I have train the trainer but am really looking more for documentation than manuals.
If I can find courses, I can get work to pay and highlight that our documentation is awful.
Boosts welcome!
#boostsappreciated #boostswelcome
would you fake a mugging outside your house for £8,500?
Mal eine etwas philosophischere Frage.
Wo beginnt bei euch Tierschutz?
Was darf man nicht töten?
Bzw. für die Umfrage: Was darf man töten?
Wenn man die Bettwäsche wäscht, tötet man zigtausende Lebewesen. Wo zieht ihr die Grenze?
Gern kommenTieren 😜 (nehmt mir den nicht übel 😂)
PS Sorry, zweiter Versuch. Nach einem Edit war die Umfrage weg.
#umfrage #boostswelcome #boost
Mal eine etwas philosophischere Frage.
Wo beginnt bei euch Tierschutz?
Was darf man nicht töten?
Was darf man töten?
Wenn man die Bettwäsche wäscht, tötet man zigtausende Lebewesen. Wo zieht ihr die Grenze?
Gern kommenTieren 😜 (nehmt mir den nicht übel 😂)
#umfrage #boostswelcome #boost
Die Liste mit Namen von afgh. Ortskräften existierte in Kabul nicht. 🤬 Fax wohl kaputt?!
Gab es zu diesem Thema eigtl. einen Untersuchungsausschuss? Wer hat sich die Mühe gemacht das Geschehen, insbesondere das Verwaltungshandeln des auswärtigen Amtes in Kabul vor einem Jahr zu rekonstruieren?
Das würde mich wirklich interessieren, gibt es da Dokus/Recherchen?
I can't believe I've never mentioned this here, but I am looking for a #job!
— 5 year experience with #Python, #Django, #Vue, #Nuxt
— 10 year experience with #JavaScript
— can start 1st October 2023 or any time later
— only companies based in #Germany (will need a Blue Card) in Braunschweig-Wolfsburg-Hanover area or full remote
Email nikita@kara.mov for the best employee your company has ever seen*
*statement without warranty
#job #python #django #vue #nuxt #javascript #germany #boostswelcome
Any recommendations for simple flat-bed #scanners that'll work nicely with #Linux? May also be used gear if I know what to look for. #boostswelcome
#Scanners #linux #boostswelcome
Liebes #CatsOfMastodon,
Die Tierhilfe Anubis, für die wir selbst immer wieder Pflegeplätze für #Katzen bereitstellen, hat einen dringenden Notfall vermeldet. Eigentlich sind dort alles immer Notfälle, aber hier ist es wirklich besonders hart.
Mehr leider nur auf Facebook:
Es wird zwar nicht explizit erwähnt, aber natürlich sind neben Pflegeplätzen auch Spenden höchst willkommen. Die Arztkosten müssen ja auch irgendwie getragen werden.
#BoostsWelcome und Danke
#catsofmastodon #katzen #boostswelcome
Everyone start making shitty browsers now. Build your sites in Gemini. Cobble together your web browsing experience with bits of string.
Support random parts of the spec. Leave JavaScript out of your implementation. Or cookies. Or just have the bits of the js standard you care about.
Remind people that the spec is a guide and support isn't guaranteed.
We need to #BreakTheWeb now and we need to do it comprehensively. We need to build the community of earnest enthusiasts that the web should always be.
#WEI does not belong on the web. #DRM doesn't belong in the spec. #Chromium cannot be the only browser.
So build your weird little websites and your weird little websites and share them with me and the rest of the world. We need to act before it's too late. And if it is too late we need to build something better.
#breaktheweb #Wei #drm #chromium #boost #boostswelcome
It's a little strange to say "We" when talking about a coop of artisans, but I joined so it really is accurate.
We're looking for handmade artisans who want to take back control from big tech. #JoinArtisans artisans.coop
If you know any, send 'em over. If you want to support them, join yourself. Sign up before the end of the month to be a founder and help us reach our goal of 100% self funding (no loans!)
#BoostsWelcome #PleaseBoost to spread the word
#joinartisans #boostswelcome #pleaseboost
Going to have a #training coordinator position opening soon where I work. If you know any #hospitality professionals looking for a #job in #learninganddevelopment in the central #Texas area, feel free to have them reach out to me for more information.
#boostswelcome to get the word out!
#training #hospitality #job #learninganddevelopment #texas #boostswelcome
Recently reminded of the word "hoop" which makes up part of my favourite insult of my own creation:
"Sniff my hoop"
For people who are one step lower than those you invite to "kiss my arse" (or ass if you're non British, can also be "erse" if Scots)
You can do a finger thumb sniff gesture to drivers on the motorway (free/express way I guess). This usually gets a look of pure confusion. (Slow burn)
Boosts welcome. I want to hear this on tv and die happy.
#boostswelcome #insults #humor #humour
would you ever do a Pioneer and send aliens unsolicited nudes, mixtape, and location in case they want to make fuck