Playing in 2 Fantasy Football leagues this season and haven’t decided on a clever name for either one! One is co-ed and the other is all women. What does the fediverse have for me?! Haaalp Please!!! 🏈
#FantasyFootball #NFL
#Seahawks #Football
#boostthis #footballgodsblessme #fantasyfootball #nfl #seahawks #football
Information on #HowToApply for the #Awards for #Indigenous #Students is here:
#StudentAwards #NativeStudents #Canadian #ApplyForAward #Education #StudentRewards #FirstNations #GoodOpportunity #ApplyNow #PassItOn #BoostThis #ShareThis
#howtoapply #awards #indigenous #students #studentawards #nativestudents #canadian #applyforaward #education #studentrewards #firstnations #GoodOpportunity #applynow #passiton #boostthis #sharethis
Seriously, this is the most important #mastodonpoll ever - do you wipe or wash your butt after pooping? How did you come to that decision? Boosts are love.
#hygiene #pooping #boostthis #mastodonpoll
I was about to boost a post today, but noticed by the bolding of the boost icon that I already boosted the post yesterday. There needs to be a superboost button so you can say, yes, I know I already boosted this, but I really like it and do so dearly want you all to like it too. I know you can unboost something and boost it again, but I'm looking for an elevated level of boosting to be reserved for posts you especially want to really boost.
Hebben meerdere mensen hier last van?
Het verliezen / bijna niet meer hebben, van empathie voor bepaalde situaties / personen?
Oprecht nieuwsgierig
#boostthis #dtv
Alright, friends, I'm doing #research for that potion-making mobile game I mentioned the other day:
What are some common (or uncommon) substances/materials used to create #potions either in games/media or IRL?
These can be specific or general, and you get bonus points for providing what combinations stereotypically (or actually) create what type of effect.
Please #share this around, because I can use as many #ideas as I can get!
#gamedev #question #help #boostthis #ideas #share #potions #research