Et hop un petit #bootleg de #ledzeppelin à l'#olympia #1969 (nous dit @internetarchive ). Imaginez vous prendre le good times bad times / communication breakdown dans le visage et les oreilles en 1969...
#olympia #ledzeppelin #bootleg
Cocteau Twins - Live in Argentina 1991
@Chapita me recomendó el setlist de #CocteauTwins cuando tocaron en Argentina. Con esto los redescubrí después de tantas escuchas a medias. Tenías toda la razón Chapita, son super bailables! También me dio curiosidad y busqué. Resulta que subieron el #bootleg hace un año! La calidad es ideal, como escucharlo en el antiguo radio transistor del abuelo. Atesoren este tesoro del #dreampop, quien sabe cuando puede desaparecer.
#cocteautwins #bootleg #dreampop #music
This is interesting
#nes #bootleg
made a post on Satin's itch page
#familybasic #nes #famicom #nesdev #basic #bootleg #familycomputer
#familybasic #nes #famicom #nesdev #basic #bootleg #familycomputer
Windows 2000 NES G-Basic VS Family Basic V3
#basic #nes #familybasic #famicom #bootleg
#basic #nes #familybasic #famicom #bootleg
OFC these #Scams with #FakeTech are as old as #flash media are....
I remember #bootleg #USB #flashdrives and #SD cards since the mid- to late 2000s...
#sd #flashdrives #USB #bootleg #flash #faketech #scams
The Free Movie
#MSCHF #movie #draw #hand_drawn #bootleg #pirated #piracy #bee_movie #bees #jerry_seinfled #jazz #bugs #crowd #drop #paint
#mschf #movie #draw #hand_drawn #bootleg #pirated #piracy #bee_movie #bees #jerry_seinfled #jazz #bugs #crowd #drop #paint
Vanmiddag speelde #HangYouth op de dijk rondom #TataSteel, onderdeel van de solidariteitsdemo voor de activisten op het terrein.
Hier de #bootleg van de hele set. #StopTata @greenpeacenl
#stoptata #bootleg #tatasteel #hangyouth
NTM vs Trust antisocial
Vieux souvenir de DJ Moule qui mettait grave le feu en live.
Queen vs RATM vs Prodigy vs Skrillex - We Will kill the Breathe of Bangarang
Omagad, qu'ai je fait ! J'ai remis le nez dans le #bootleg !!! :aaaaaaaaaaaa:
Found this while going through some old stuff. HK PC-Engine :pcengine: Tiger Heli bootleg "card". Can't really call this a card anymore though.
#pcengine #hongkong #bootleg #tigerheli #retrogame
This "Separate Ways" from Roskilde 1993 (with Booker T & the MGs + backing singers) is better than the one on Homegrown IMO.
#BruceSpringsteen's Seeger Sessions era still very underrated. Killer "Atlantic City" #bootleg from London 2006 with banjo, washboard, horns, backing singers…
#nowplaying Social Distortion "Live Heat" (1998, unofficial release).
Recorded in Düsseldorf, Germany.
#recordcollection #bootleg #vinyljunkie #vinyl #musictherapy
#nowplaying #recordcollection #bootleg #vinyljunkie #vinyl #musictherapy
Love #TomWaits just Waits-ing the hell out of "Dirty Old Town" — via #EwanMacColl via #ThePogues — in this 1988 LA #bootleg. Raspy belt at full volume throughout.
#tomwaits #ewanmaccoll #thepogues #bootleg