On a side note, if you look closely at news footage, you'll see that the bootscrapers at the entrance to 10 Downing Street (where the UK Prime Minister lives) are almost identical to the one in the top middle photograph.
#glasgow #ironwork #bootscraper
#design #architecture #designdetail #parkcircus #10downingstreet
#10downingstreet #ParkCircus #designdetail #architecture #design #metalwork #bootscraper #ironwork #glasgow
Bootscrapers of Park Circus in the west end of Glasgow. Bootscrapers are very basic, functional item of metalwork, but I love all the different ways they've been made to look a bit more fancy. These have presumably been individually selected from a catelogue of designs by the first residents of each building.
#glasgow #ironwork #bootscraper
#design #architecture #designdetail #parkcircus
#ParkCircus #designdetail #architecture #design #metalwork #bootscraper #ironwork #glasgow
A beautiful little bird-shaped bootscraper on Park Circus in the west end of Glasgow. This is a design for a bootscrsper I haven't come across in Glasgow before.
#glasgow #metalwork #parkcircus #bootscraper #ironwork #glasgowhistory
#glasgowhistory #ironwork #bootscraper #ParkCircus #metalwork #glasgow
Obviously this was a necessary purchase. It IS gardening season and my shoes DO get mucky. #tharbedragons #dragon #bootbrush #bootscraper #shoecleaner #gardening #mudscraper
#tharbedragons #dragon #bootbrush #bootscraper #shoecleaner #gardening #mudscraper
Boot scraper, Alexander 'Greek' Thomson Style. Even this minor detail from his Great Western Terrace in Glasgow oozes classical elegance with its bold, clean lines.
#glasgow #bootscraper #design #designdetail #alexandergreekthomson #greekthomson #ironwork #metalwork #neoclassicalarchitecture #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture
#glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #neoclassicalarchitecture #metalwork #ironwork #greekthomson #alexandergreekthomson #designdetail #design #bootscraper #glasgow
This is not the only design of boot scraper to be found in Glasgow, and more up-market buildings tended to have much more fancy free-standing boot scrapers, like this one from the nearby Park Circus area.
#glasgow #bootscraper #argylestreet #tenements #glasgowtenements #tenementlife #glasgowhistory #glasgowbuildings #design #designdetail #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #parkcircus
#ParkCircus #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #designdetail #design #glasgowbuildings #glasgowhistory #tenementlife #glasgowtenements #tenements #argylestreet #bootscraper #glasgow
I've seen these small holes near the ground at the entrances to tenement closes in Glasgow for years, but only recently found what they are for.
They were there to house simple metal boot scrapers, and you can just see the remains of one here in this picture from a close on Argyle Street.
#glasgow #bootscraper #argylestreet #tenements #glasgowtenements #tenementlife #glasgowhistory #glasgowbuildings #design #designdetail #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #parkcircus
#ParkCircus #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #designdetail #design #glasgowbuildings #glasgowhistory #tenementlife #glasgowtenements #tenements #argylestreet #bootscraper #glasgow