More #BootsOnTheGround from Utah. As with my previous 2 years at Strawberry Reservoir on US 40, the crude oil tankers (hazmat 1267) rule the highway. Back and forth from Heber City to Vernal.
@duviobaz @RadicalGraffiti @krimsonbun
#Putin does everything to not only make #NATO look like a "necessary evil" but "justified to join in"...
Simply by virtue of breaking the #BudapestMemorandum and thus making it clear that one cannot trust #Russia neither in Words nor Writing!
Thus Putin's Russia can be glad that both #UK & #USA didn't follow their contractual obligations as allies of #Ukraine with #BootsOnTheGround...
#bootsontheground #Ukraine #USA #UK #Russia #budapestmemorandum #NATO #Putin
@chowderman @amayer @buermoy plz don't use #LinkShorteners as they are susceptible to #LinkRot.
The lack of #Resolve by #NATO members #UK & #USA to follow their obligations as per #BudapestMemorandum are seen as a sign of #weakness.
For the UK this was evident with the lack of reaction regarding the #PRC's violation of the Joint #SinoBritishDeclaration in #Hongkong.
Thus the #MilitaryAid is a sorry excuse for the lack of #BootsOnTheGround that would be expectable as per treaty.
#bootsontheground #Militaryaid #Hongkong #sinobritishdeclaration #prc #weakness #budapestmemorandum #USA #UK #NATO #resolve #linkrot #LinkShorteners
@joeinwynnewood @BrentInMasto @leswarden @Teri_Kanefield
Yep - make them feel like the US Supreme Court in reverse.
#bootsontheground #episode1161 Producer NoName (in China)
With your 2023 ears, listen to this report:
#bootsontheground #episode1161
@ManyRoads this fecking coward should get #BootsOnTheGround as per #BudapestMemorandum.
#budapestmemorandum #bootsontheground
@PeterPeckerstick it's still not even 1% of the commitment the #USA & #UK bindingly declared themselves to obligate amidst #Russia's violations of the #BudapestMemorandum since 2013.
Otherwise they'd have #BootsOnTheGround!
#bootsontheground #budapestmemorandum #Russia #UK #USA
@stux IMHO it's still a poor excuse.
#USA & #UK refused to follow their obligations as per #BudapestMemorandum, otherwise they'd have #BootsOnTheGround since the invasion of #Crimea...
#crimea #bootsontheground #budapestmemorandum #UK #USA
@Timon @RouxJ also I think that #Ukraine has already suffered too much due to western #cowardice to enforce the #BudapestMemorandum against #Russia...
#BootsOnTheGround was overdue in 2013:
#bootsontheground #Russia #budapestmemorandum #cowardice #Ukraine
Post-Nicole status report:
Radio towers down, significant damage here in Brevard County but my neighborhood was spared. Lights flickered last night but never lost power.
In general trees are down and the wind is still whipping but nothing compared to what I’ve seen and heard about Fort Myers 6 weeks ago.
I’ll head out once my roast is done to see about gathering some photos.
#bootsontheground #hurricanenicole
Il nuovo disordine mondiale / 19: First Strike? #MichailNikolaevičTuchačevskij #Cronachedelpre-bomba #OperazioneBarbarossa #commissaripolitici #Internazionalismo #KarlvonClawsevitz #questionemilitare #SinistraComunista #anticolonialismo #bootsontheground #compagnieprivate #guerrapartigiana #searchanddestroy #GuerraalTerrore #ProcessidiMosca #RogerDangeville #JacquesCamatte #MichelFoucault #armanucleare #Cechov
#Cechov #armanucleare #michelfoucault #jacquescamatte #RogerDangeville #processidimosca #guerraalterrore #SearchAndDestroy #guerrapartigiana #compagnieprivate #bootsontheground #anticolonialismo #SinistraComunista #questionemilitare #KarlvonClawsevitz #internazionalismo #commissaripolitici #operazionebarbarossa #Cronachedelpre #MichailNikolaevičTuchačevskij
@CSB when entering españa we all breezed through all the airport, the only hold up was the two young Spanish chicks who were tasked with checking everyone's Co(n)vid passports.
I showed them a screen shot from my mainstream phone (which was in a draw at home) she attempted to scan the qr code with her thingymabobby but the sheer weight of the queue of passenger eager to end their travel caused a cascade of people flowing through and the queue disbanded.
reports are a slice of cheese pizza is selling for $27 USD in Shanghai #bootsontheground #shanghai
@adam @Johncdvorak @El_Duderino One more example of how #NoAgenda 🤘. Err Kicks ass and takes names etc. #1Revolutionary. #global #bootsontheground Producers from All over the world contribute to this show.
These guys aren't all me me me me.
Credit is given where credit is due
I don't write these recommendations for the peoplez on nasocial or noagendasocial. We already know the value of no agenda.
#noagenda #1Revolutionary #global #bootsontheground #podcasting2point0
Found out Wednesday night I have the coof.
Two days of steady 103 degree fever and flu symptoms kicked it off, then settled down to just feeling tired with a slightly sore throat.
Day 4 I feel pretty decent but won’t mess around until the tests return negative.
This doesn’t seem to be Omicron as I’ve heard it described; nothing like a mild cold, more like normal flu. Pretty sure I have contracted the Delta-Coof.
#BootsOnTheGround: Yesterday in #Amsterdam, I spoke to the man who unwillingly became a dog toy and ended up all over the news. Werner. He did hear that Special Rapporteur on Torture and Human Rights Nils Melzer was looking for testimonies on his next tour. He did not do anything with that yet. 😮 He asked me to send Melzer's twitter handle.
Initially the prosecuter let him go and had his wounds treated. But the cops changed their minds and charged him with 'assault'. The best defense is attack…
#BootsOnTheGround France has removed health pass for minors engaging in leisure. ... Also, AutoTest ... where you administer your nasal test and get a health pass has been reinstated. ... absolute silence. no announcement. It seems France is secretly granting freedom without announcement. to save face