#ImAVirgo, by #BootsRiley on #Amazon sounds as weird and interesting as his earlier #SorryToBotherYou and is apparently another commentary on the condition of the average working person, along with #race, and #revolution.
Sadly, it'll be a while before I can watch it because I canceled #Prime at the end of last year and have zero plans to ever rejoin.
#prime #revolution #Race #sorrytobotheryou #Amazon #bootsriley #imavirgo
How could I not know that Boots had a new project?
#bootsriley #TheCoup #oakland #surrealism
From: @TheAtlantic
#surrealism #oakland #TheCoup #bootsriley
"I'm A Virgo" is a TV show from Boots Riley and it is as good as you'd expect, if you've seen "Sorry to Bother You". It's a good story with humor, fantastical elements, critique of capitalism/racism/fascism in the US, communist organizing, anti-eviction direct action, etc. It's easily the best thing on television right now.
#ImAVirgo #BootsRiley #communist #antifascist #anticapitalist #antiracist
#imavirgo #bootsriley #communist #antifascist #anticapitalist #antiracist
#ImAVirgo is exactly the kind of show you'd expect if you heard the guy who made #SorryToBotherYou made a series. This is impressively gonzo, and I love it. #BootsRiley
#imavirgo #sorrytobotheryou #bootsriley
ziet het daglicht, in 1992 gevolgd door hun debuut #RATM, waarop ze één van de grootste bands van dat decennium worden.
De band zal een paar keer de stekker er uit trekken en terug samen komen.
Zo zal Zack in 2001 vervangen worden door #ChrisCornell van de ook gestopte band Soundgarden en richt Tom supergroep #Audioslave op tot in 2007 Zack terug komt.
In 2003 heeft Tom dan al het project #TheNightwatchman opgericht.
In 2007 onstaat ook #StreetSweeperSocialClub met #BootsRiley.
In 2008
#ratm #chriscornell #audioslave #thenightwatchman #streetsweepersocialclub #bootsriley
This show is absolutely fantastic. I've only watched one and I can already tell it's going to be a favorite. Boots Riley Making Things is exactly the flavor I need in my life, at all times.
#ImAVirgo #BootsRiley #fun #Surreal #Subversive #TVShow #Prime
#imavirgo #bootsriley #fun #surreal #subversive #tvshow #prime
Y'all need to watch "I'm a Virgo" on Prime. I'm about halfway through the season, and I'm obsessed. It's surreal, funny, heartwrenching, anti-capitalist, and unique. Plus the episodes are only like 30mins long each, so the storyline doesn't drag as much as other shows.
#tv #imavirgo #surrealism #bootsriley
I sat down to check out Boots Riley's new show, I'm a Virgo on Amazon Prime last night and ended up bingeing the entire season. I really enjoyed it.
I was in the streets with Boots during Occupy Oakland, and he's a really cool dude. We don't see eye to eye ideologically 100% of the time but anybody that can pull off an anti-capitalist offering on a massively capitalist platform like Amazon is A-OK in my book.
The show had me laughing out loud frequently and everybody should watch it.
I sincerely hope he gets a second season; I want to see what happens with Cootie's cliffhanger.
#I'mAVirgo #BootsRiley
I 100% support this. Hopefully even more artists will sign onto this.
Tom Morello, Zack de la Rocha, and Boots Riley Boycotting Venues That Use Face-Scanning Technology
#RageAgainstTheMachine #RATM #TomMorello #ZackDeLaRocha #BootsRiley #Technology #Tech #privacy #security #infosec #FacialRecognition #music
#rageagainstthemachine #ratm #tommorello #zackdelarocha #bootsriley #technology #tech #privacy #security #infosec #facialrecognition #music
An excellent piece by Boots Riley about the WGA strike and solidarity.
#BootsRiley #WGA #Strike #Solidarity #Unions
#bootsriley #wga #strike #solidarity #unions
watched Astroid City and came home to see episode 1 of the new Boots Riley joint I'm A Virgo. no complaints!
#TomMorello, #ZackDeLaRocha, and #BootsRiley #Boycotting Venues That Use Face-Scanning Technology
The artists are among 100 other performers and venues calling for the ban of #facialrecognition technology at live events https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/tom-morello-zack-de-la-rocha-facial-recognition-concerts-boycott-1234775909/ #music #privacy #surveillance
#tommorello #zackdelarocha #bootsriley #boycotting #facialrecognition #music #privacy #surveillance
With #ImaVirgo , #BootsRiley blends absurdist humor, dazzling visual metaphors, animation, and a blistering critique of capitalism to create a coming-of-age story that is unassailably original. My review: https://ew.com/tv/tv-reviews/im-a-virgo-review-boots-riley-amazon/
🤘Street Sweeper Social Club – Ghetto Blaster🤘
#MastoRadio #FediRadio #PouetRadio #TootRadio #SoundCheck #TeamVieux #WeAreTheRadio #np #NowPlaying #StreetSweeperSocialClub #GhettoBlaster #SSSC #TheGhettoBlaster #TomMorello #BootsRiley #RATM #RageAgainstTheMachine #TheCoup
#mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio #tootradio #soundcheck #teamvieux #wearetheradio #np #nowplaying #streetsweepersocialclub #ghettoblaster #sssc #theghettoblaster #tommorello #bootsriley #ratm #rageagainstthemachine #thecoup
30 de mayo de 1964. Nace #TomMorello en en #NuevaYork, #EstadosUnidos. Es un músico y politólogo estadounidense integrante de #ProphetsOfRage, #RageAgainstTheMachine y ex guitarrista del grupo de rock #Audioslave. Actualmente lidera un proyecto en solitario llamado #TheNightwatchman y una banda junto a #BootsRiley llamada #StreetSweeperSocialClub. Fue galardonado con el #GrammyAward al mejor #guitarrista. Fue elegido por la revista #RollingStone, como uno de los #guitarristas en su artículo “El top 26 de nuevos guitarristas”. Además, ocupa el puesto número 40 en la Lista de los 100 guitarristas más grandes de todos los tiempos según la revista Rolling Stone.
#TomMorello #nuevayork #estadosunidos #ProphetsOfRage #RageAgainstTheMachine #Audioslave #thenightwatchman #bootsriley #streetsweepersocialclub #grammyaward #guitarrista #rollingstone #guitarristas #rock #metal #hardrock #raprock #rapmetal
30 de mayo de 1964. Nace #TomMorello en en #NuevaYork, #EstadosUnidos. Es un músico y politólogo estadounidense integrante de #ProphetsOfRage, #RageAgainstTheMachine y ex guitarrista del grupo de rock #Audioslave. Actualmente lidera un proyecto en solitario llamado #TheNightwatchman y una banda junto a #BootsRiley llamada #StreetSweeperSocialClub. Fue galardonado con el #GrammyAward al mejor #guitarrista. Fue elegido por la revista #RollingStone, como uno de los #guitarristas en su artículo “El top 26 de nuevos guitarristas”. Además, ocupa el puesto número 40 en la Lista de los 100 guitarristas más grandes de todos los tiempos según la revista Rolling Stone.
#TomMorello #nuevayork #estadosunidos #ProphetsOfRage #RageAgainstTheMachine #Audioslave #thenightwatchman #bootsriley #streetsweepersocialclub #grammyaward #guitarrista #rollingstone #guitarristas #rock #metal #hardrock #raprock #rapmetal
‘Sorry To Bother You’ Director Boots Riley On WGA Strike, Struggle, Solidarity, Sacrifice & AI – Guest Column https://deadline.com/2023/05/wga-strike-boots-riley-guest-column-1235367232/
H/T @pluralistic H/T Payday Report
#WGA #WritersStrike #BootsRiley #Labor #Unions #strike #politics #economics #AI
#wga #writersstrike #bootsriley #labor #unions #strike #politics #economics #ai
Hey look at this
* #DebtCeiling: What Are þe Fallback Threat Points in þe Case of "No Deal"? https://braddelong.substack.com/p/debt-ceiling-what-are-e-fallback
* ‘Sorry To Bother You’ Director #BootsRiley On #WGA Strike, Struggle, Solidarity, Sacrifice & #AI https://deadline.com/2023/05/wga-strike-boots-riley-guest-column-1235367232/ (h/t Payday Report)
* Today I learned that #ChurchMolestationLiabilityInsurance is a thing that exists https://www.jwz.org/blog/2023/05/today-i-learned-that-church-molestation-liability-insurance-is-a-thing-that-exists/
#debtceiling #bootsriley #wga #ai #churchmolestationliabilityinsurance
@psychoalpastor reminded me of how much I dig the proudly #communist #BootsRiley and #TheCoup - here's my addition to #JukeboxFridayNight
#JukeboxFridayNight #thecoup #bootsriley #communist #hiphop #nowplaying
Boots Riley has a new series coming to #Prime this summer
https://boingboing.net/2023/04/26/boot-rileys-im-a-virgo-fantastical-coming-of-age-story-about-a-13-foot-tall-black-man-in-oakland.html #BootsRiley