Regarding #simplicity 👆
Have a look at #ArkUI
It is a "fully customizable, #accessible and #unstyled #UI component [framework]".
No #Bootstrap. No #Bloat. Just use your own #CSS. Love it! ❤️
I've just used their Select component and it works so intuitively!
They have a guide on how to style their components (there are multiple ways):
#simplicity #arkui #accessible #unstyled #UI #bootstrap #bloat #CSS #webdev #webDevelopment #vue #React #solid #a11y
🇬🇧 Question for all the frontend devs, which #CSS frameworks would you recommend that match the following prerequisistes :
- Native Dark
- No JS dependency on the client side
- Isn't #Tailwind or #Bootstrap
:fr: Questions pour les développeurs web, quels framework CSS conseillerez vous avec les points suivants :
- Propose un mode dark nativement
- N'utilise pas de javascript dans sa mise en place final (pas de js coté client)
- N'est pas #Tailwind ou #Bootstrap
@pidgeon_pete I've managed to get a load of stuff working but it's mostly been despite #Bootstrap rather than because of it.
Here is a demo video of the New Patient form. Using simple #php and #bootstrap to generate a special patient experience.
"Navbar tools" in #quarto are super handy to display social media icons!
One minor drawback of moving to this solution: it relies on #Bootstrap icons, so there isn't one for #ORCID yet, whereas there was one when I used Font Awesome. #FeatureRequest time?
#quarto #bootstrap #orcid #featurerequest
Kann ich mittels #CSS bzw. #Bootstrap irgendwie bewerkstelligen, dass ein Container eine Mindest- und eine Maximalbreite hat?
Also am PC-Monitor nicht gesamte Bildschirmbreite, am Handy hochkant aber schon?
Mit Bootstrap macht's keinen Unterschied, ob ich w-50 oder mw-50 verwende, der Effekt ist gleich — am PC sieht's okay aus, auf'm Handy nicht, weil nur ein winziger Streifen in der Mitte benutzt wird.
getting around a lot of the chicken+egg probs with #drupal 8 to 9 upgrades, though the destination server still needs to be upgraded from #php 7 to 8, and #bootstrap versions are either non d9.5 compatible or non php7.4.? compatible so it's like the chicken is a dodo 🦤 and the egg is a russian doll 🪆
Just Blogged: How to use #Tailwind #CSS in #Sitecore Next.js :point_right:
#SitecoreMVP #SitecoreCommunity #SUGCON #LearnSitecore #Sitecorefriends #SitecoreFamily #CSS #DotNet #Azure #NextJS #React #webdevelopment #javascript #bootstrap #learning #LearnToCode
#learntocode #learning #bootstrap #javascript #webdevelopment #react #nextjs #azure #dotnet #sitecorefamily #sitecorefriends #learnsitecore #sugcon #sitecorecommunity #sitecoremvp #sitecore #css #tailwind
BootScore, a powerful, free #Bootstrap starter theme for #WordPress.
With #Hungarian #translation:
#translation #hungarian #WordPress #bootstrap
Další vlna propouštění v práci, už minimálně osmá nebo devátá za těch 16 let. Takže mě přesouvají zase do jiného oddělení a vracím se hlavně k #CSS 🤨 Toho jsem si dodnes užil tolik, že jsem ho začal trochu nesnášet. Takže opět oprášit i #Bootstrap, a to verzi 4.6, protože novější 5 se tam používat nesmí🤦♂️
Ani nevím, jak popsat pocity, jsem rád, že mě nepropustili (letos rozhodně nechci hledat práci), ale výsledek není jak bych si představoval, front-endu jsem se pokud možno už vyhýbal
@rdfhrn Ich finde #Bootstrap ziemlich ausgelutscht, aber #Frameworks erleichtern einem die Arbeit ungemein, das stimmt.
Bin jetzt nicht so der Webentwickler eher so ne Datenschubse und mit #CSS stehe ich auf Kriegsfuß, aber dieses #Bootstrap überzeugt.
Another day, another stats problem...
I'm calculating bootstrapped CIs using BCa, and keep getting a warning: Warning message:
In norm.inter(t, adj.alpha) : extreme order statistics used as endpoints
I'm trying to resolve it, but lots of resources just print the warning and ignore it. Does anyone know if that's a warning I can safely ignore?
#bootstrap #bootstrapping #statistics #rstats
@eldamir @maartenballiauw Is Bootstrap still run by Twitter/X/Whatever this week, or is it spun off into it's own independent thing (sorry, Adhd so I can't think of the right word here) now? #dotnet #bootstrap #csslayout
Qualche giorno fa ero alla ricerca di un #iconpicker per #bootstrap da usare in un #frontend sviluppato in #Angular.
Dopo varie ricerche senza nessun esito, ho deciso di rimboccarmi le maniche e creare la libreria.
Parlando poi con gli amici del GDG Valle d'Aosta abbiamo deciso di renderla #opensource (visto che crediamo possa essere utile a molti sviluppatori) quindi se qualcuno è interessato a #collaborare è il benvenuto!
#iconpicker #bootstrap #frontend #angular #opensource #collaborare
Appreciate the help from Github user revendoc. I prefer the look on mobile with the hamburger menu but still needs some tweaking. Still open to ideas.
Original issue was
#bootstrap #raspberrypi #raspisump
SwitchIt - Customizable jQuery #Plugin for Radio/Select Switch Element
SwitchIt is a versatile jQuery plugin that allows you to create interactive switch elements with customizable labels and themes.
#jQueryPlugin #SwitchElement #CustomizableDesign #WebDevelopment #jQuery #JavaScript #WebDevelopment #UIComponents #FrontendDevelopment #UserInterface #Customization #SwitchElement #RadioSwitch #SelectSwitch #Bootstrap #TailwindCSS
#plugin #jqueryplugin #switchelement #customizabledesign #webdevelopment #jquery #javascript #uicomponents #frontenddevelopment #userinterface #customization #radioswitch #selectswitch #bootstrap #tailwindcss
New #project: rethink exhausted inception, using @penpot to have a #usable and #clean #UI, than a #Bootstrap v5.3 frontend and so... Looking forward to it!
#bootstrap #ui #clean #usable #project