@jhx Now it's 3 ports. I wanted to install the #Linux headers directly where they ultimately belong (in $LINUXBASE, defaulting to /compat/linux) and learned some port needs to own this directory, so added a very tiny "meta-port" first 🤯
And then, GNU binutils in a minimal #bootstrapping version, running on #FreeBSD but targeting Linux. We will see whether that works 😎
#linux #bootstrapping #freebsd
Another day, another stats problem...
I'm calculating bootstrapped CIs using BCa, and keep getting a warning: Warning message:
In norm.inter(t, adj.alpha) : extreme order statistics used as endpoints
I'm trying to resolve it, but lots of resources just print the warning and ignore it. Does anyone know if that's a warning I can safely ignore?
#bootstrap #bootstrapping #statistics #rstats
Went down the #bootstrapping #ada hole again last night and today and I think I have a working gcc-2.7 compiler in #guix. As we suspected ada/ed isn't a drop-in for Ada and I couldn't figure out how to tell #gcc to use it while building gnat. So I'm still looking for an Ada 95 compiler I can build with Ada 83 or with just C.
#bootstrapping #ada #guix #gcc
TIL that Freedesktop-SDK is also building on the full-source bootstrap, using a dependency graph similar to the one that just landed in Guix (stage0, M2, Mes, etc.), but via “live-bootstrap”:
MR: https://gitlab.com/freedesktop-sdk/freedesktop-sdk/-/merge_requests/11557
sources: https://gitlab.com/freedesktop-sdk/freedesktop-sdk-binary-seed/-/blob/main/elements/bootstrap/base-sdk/live-bootstrap-stage1.bst
l-b: https://github.com/fosslinux/live-bootstrap/
The moment #Guix cut ties with Nixpkgs and stood alone:
@theruran @allan I ended up talking a lot about #ReproducibleBuilds and #bootstrapping, showing off with what @janneke & co. have been doing (timely!), since I think these are two of three pillars that make #Guix a solid foundation for #SupplyChainSecurity.
#supplychainsecurity #guix #bootstrapping #reproduciblebuilds
One should do stress-tests for a project.
Needs to keep in mind the system you’re working on and configuration of the project along with the system where it will be deployed.
Happy #bootstrapping my #buildinpublic fellows!
📣 New edition of #MarketingUnplugged is here! 🎉
In today's issue:
🤖 Embracing #ArtificialIntelligence in business
🌍 The #FutureOfWork with remote & hybrid teams
🗣️ Mastering the art of the pitch
💰 #Bootstrapping vs. #VentureCapital for startups
📊 The power of #PredictiveAnalytics in marketing
Don't miss out! Sign up for the latest marketing insights today! 🔗 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/marketing-unplugged-edition-62-charles-lange/
#DigitalMarketing #AI #RemoteWork #HybridTeams #Pitching #Investors #Startups #MarketingTrends
#marketingunplugged #artificialintelligence #futureofwork #bootstrapping #venturecapital #predictiveanalytics #digitalmarketing #ai #remotework #hybridteams #pitching #investors #startups #marketingtrends
Embarking on an entrepreneurial journey? Check out our latest article "Bootstrapping vs. Venture Capital: Weighing the Pros and Cons for Your Startup." 🌟
We explore the unique opportunities, challenges, and factors to consider when choosing the right financing method for your startup. Stay adaptable, seek mentorship, and embrace the adventure ahead! 🚀
#bootstrapping #venturecapital #startups #entrepreneurship
I had been sick for more than a week and after that was recovering one more week :(
Such a severe condition when you don’t have the energy after main work to do anything to #buildinpublic.
Our goals drive us and gives us energy to recover and go further.
After recovering, I finally completed the hybrid login/registration flow for my bakery service.
Now users are able to login either theirs phone number or google auth. #bootstrapping bakery is fun, really fun))
Sometimes we want to look at a #bootstrapping #model and we can easily achieve this in #r even in #timeseries #modeling with the #forecast #package
In this post I used the AirPassengers dataset and used the auto.arima() function to bootstrap models, then I wanted to take a look at the residuals.
This is not comprehensive but sheds some light on how to do this outside of the #tidymodels #framework
Post: https://lnkd.in/gwjMfezH
#autoarima #Software #OpenSource #arima #RStats #framework #tidymodels #package #forecast #modeling #timeseries #r #model #bootstrapping
These nights will be working on OAuth implementation for my bakery service. Will share progress with #buildinpublic hashtag.
As soon as authorization will be completed, I’ll use it in my future healthcheck service.
Such a good feeling while #bootstrapping that you can spend some time developing components and then use them in other projects with just little modifications.
So I decided to go with amplitude as a system that satisfies my requirements. It has a free plan that is enough for #bootstrapping your project.
Spend your time on stuff when you definitely need it.
While working on the service for our #bootstrapping bakery I didn’t want to spend time on db design. So I started with nocodb. 20mins and we have db we can work with.
@loke @HerraBRE Sandboxing as found in Flatpak and more generally applying the principle of least authority (POLA) are one important security mechanism.
Transparency and provenance tracking are two other important properties: if (1) everything is built from source, and (2) the source/binary correspondence is verifiable by anyone, that’s good. That’s what the #ReproducibleBuilds and #bootstrapping efforts are about.
We need both approaches.
#bootstrapping #reproduciblebuilds
While #buildinpublic and #bootstrapping your project you don’t need to have a super cool backup system.
At the moment you’re enough to have simple dumps by cron that you can backup anywhere with awesome
https://github.com/restic/restic written in #golang
#buildinpublic #bootstrapping #golang
So, my #FOSDEM talk is uploaded.
If you want to know about #bootstrapping #RISC-V and #Guix you might find it interesting.
#fosdem #bootstrapping #risc #guix
Besides that one can write tweets about his fails and journey.
So.. where is the line?
I tend to think everyone has to have own line but keep in mind that it would be better not to implement stuff like authentication or any other that are quite complicated. #bootstrapping
tweeted about mistakes and that you're supposed to make them. They're part of the journey.
And I'm curious where is the line where we supposed to make mistakes and not to make them at the same time.
#bootstrapping #indiehacker
Let me explain:
So as I see many bootstrappers posts very common and obvious stuff gathering audience
and they don't care about the quality of the audience.
It's a little frustrating. #indiehacker and #bootstrapping thoughts