The GOP are now claiming slaves could have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps
#GOPSlaveryClaim #FloridaHistory #DeSantis #Bootstraps #ReparationsDebate #HistoricalRevisionism #Politics #News
#gopslaveryclaim #floridahistory #desantis #bootstraps #reparationsdebate #historicalrevisionism #politics #news
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@revoluciana 🔗
I'm laughing at memes about #billionaires who can't pull themselves up to the surface by their own #bootstraps, but in reality I'm furious.
I'm furious I was accused of human #smuggling by #FRONTEX (European border agency) for being part of a sea rescue operation that saved 1000+ lives of #refugees fleeing #war & #terrorism.
I'm furious at the #money and international effort being spent to #rescue these billionaires when #operations […]
#operations #rescue #money #terrorism #war #refugees #frontex #smuggling #bootstraps #billionaires
"Girl! Why are these #billionaires stuck at the bottom of the #ocean not pulling themselves up by their #bootstraps? It sounds like a #skill #issue honestly."
#billionaires #ocean #bootstraps #skill #issue
Economic #system #bootstraps: #stolenland, #desecration #disposablepeople, #degradation, #patriarchy.
#system #bootstraps #stolenland #desecration #disposablepeople #degradation #patriarchy #languagehegemony #residentialschools #monopolies #whosestandards #TaxBillionaires
Mastodon types don't need to hear this because they all seem far too intelligent. So please excuse the ranting.
But, if you're looking at success stories for how people made it rich, then you're most definitely cropping the bejeezus out of the underlying data. Everyone that tried to make it is supposed to be part of your detail. (30% of small businesses disappeared in the last five years).
And you might want to look into people that originally had no intention of making it, but then started banging on like that took a lot of determination.
What did my statistics and visualisations lecturer say? Misleading information, exaggerated graphs, cropped data, ... bunches of chicanery. Fascists and tyrants make the bad data disappear!
#successStories #bootstraps #billionaires
#Socialism for giant corporations & the donor class.
#Bootstraps & #SurvivalOfTheFittest for #WeThePeople
RepubliCONS are not defenders of #capitalism they’re defenders of #CronyCapitalism & especially their own unaccountable power.
#socialism #bootstraps #survivalofthefittest #wethepeople #capitalism #cronycapitalism
@kityates Australia under 3 prune mincers over 10 years have #tories in #UK and Trump et al in the #US the go ahead to treat people like this.
Australia is a #racist cuntry to its #bootstraps. You should see how we treat our #First #Nations people. We even describe them as a different fucking race in our #constitution.
But there is a school of thought that the planning of it was down to who started it. He even used the words "will never be allowed to settle in #Australia" if they have arrived by #boat.
#tories #uk #us #racist #bootstraps #first #nations #constitution #australia #boat
#bootstraps #capitalism #riseandgrind #workingclass #eattherich #labor #iww
This is a brief, accurate illustration of what it means to lift oneself up by one's bootstraps.
#video #ineffective #bootstraps
The only thing billionaires ever seem to pull up all by their own #bootstraps is their egos and their good PR.
+) The median house cost $24K.
(Now it's $408K.)
+) The top tax rate was 70%.
(Now it's 37%.)
+) Most jobs offered full benefits and pension.
(Now almost none do.)
+) College costed 20.4% of the median salary.
(Now it's 50%.)
+) 246 minimum wage hours paid tuition.
(Now it's 1,457 hours.)
+) Most jobs didn't need a degree.
(Now most do.)
Moral: Before you talk about "bootstraps", check your privilege.
#bootstraps #kidstoday #millenials #boomer