A Good Beer Blog · @agoodbeerblog
316 followers · 155 posts · Server mstdn.social

Been dabbling in from the for the last couple of years. Explained to the kid: (i) you get a normal 25-30% discount compared to buying at release, (ii) you now buy at an additional pre-inflation price which could add +10%, (iii) retirement looms, starting around when the wines will be ready. Kid is like "so... you are planning your stash for six to eight years out now?" Oh yeah. lcbo.com/content/lcbo/en/vinta

#bordeaux #lcbo #bordeauxfutures

Last updated 2 years ago

A Good Beer Blog · @agoodbeerblog
708 followers · 266 posts · Server mstdn.social

Been dabbling in lower end from the for the last couple of years. Explained to the kid: (i) you get a normal 25-30% discount compared to buying at release, (ii) you now buy at an additional pre-inflation price which could add +10%, (iii) retirement looms, starting around when the wines will be ready. Kid is like "so... you are planning your stash for six to eight years out now?" Oh yeah. lcbo.com/content/lcbo/en/vinta

#bordeaux #lcbo #bordeauxfutures

Last updated 2 years ago