Remembering versatile, Emmy-winning Mexican film, stage and television actor, #RicardoMontalban (1920-2009), #BornOnThisDay in Mexico City. His screen career spanned seven decades, including the lead in #Noir #BorderIncident ('49), but best known as Khan Noonien Singh in standout #StarTrek episode "Space Seed" ('67) & Star Trek II: #TheWrathofKhan ('82); circus owner Armando in #EscapefromthePlanetoftheApes ('71) and #ConquestofthePlanetoftheApes ('72), and Mr. Roarke in#FantasyIsland ('77-84).
#ricardomontalban #bornonthisday #noir #borderincident #startrek #thewrathofkhan #escapefromtheplanetoftheapes #conquestoftheplanetoftheapes
Border Incident is not only one of the greatest film noirs, it is also a pioneering film. Centred on abuses in the bracero program of the time, in addition to James Mitchell in brownface, it also features actual Latino in non-stereotypical roles as Mexicans. Border Incident is also one of the toughest, grittiest film noirs made at the time. #BorderIncident #FilmNoir #Noirvember
#borderincident #filmnoir #noirvember