I'm not someone to carelessly post screenshots to demean anyone in any way. What I don't like is when other people think it is okay to shame & stigmatize others because of their #MentalHealth. Mental health already gets enough stigma to its name and we all need to be a little kinder to each other. We never really know what someone is going through. Everyone has a battle they are facing every day.
#MentalIllness #BPD #BorderlinePersobalityDisorder #ADHD #Neurodivergent #Disability #DisabilityTwitter #Disabled #DisabilityJustice #Mastodon #PTSD #CPTSD #Schizophrenia #Schizotypal #PersonalityDisorder #Bipolar #Anxiety #Depression
#MentalHealth #MentalIllness #bpd #borderlinepersobalitydisorder #adhd #neurodivergent #disability #DisabilityTwitter #disabled #DisabilityJustice #mastodon #PTSD #CPTSD #schizophrenia #schizotypal #personalitydisorder #bipolar #anxiety #depression