🇧🇬 "Anscheinend gibt es etwas zu verbergen..."
Vor dem EU-Migrationsgipfel wollte das das #ZDF von der bulgarischen #Grenze berichten, aber die Behörden in #Bulgarien wollten nicht, dass mit Maria Cheresheva eine einheimische Journalistin berichtet.
#Borders #BorderRegime #FortressEurope #PresseFreiheit #PressFreedom
#zdf #grenze #bulgarien #borders #borderregime #fortresseurope #pressefreiheit #pressfreedom
More deaths as a result of the #BorderRegime. Heartbreaking & fucking enraging.
#Lesvos #PeopleOnTheMove #Refugees #Noborders
Three dead, 19 missing, 19 rescued | StoNisi.gr https://www.stonisi.gr/post/51194/treis-oi-nekroi-19-agnooymenoi-19-diaswthentes-updated
#borderregime #lesvos #peopleonthemove #refugees #noborders
⚫Naufragio al largo di #Chebba, #Tunisia!Ancora morti e dispersi causati dalla politica di chiusura delle frontiere. Esiste un modo per evitare tutto ciò: canali sicuri e legali d'ingresso in EuropaLe nostre condoglianze ai familiari delle vittime e dei dispersi#SafePassageAlarm Phone: ⚫ Shipwreck off Tunisia!The #borderregime again cost several lives when a boat capsized yesterday off #Chebba, #Tunisia. Only 14 people have been rescued, 8 bodies were found. We stand in solidarity with the families & friends. https://twitter.com/InfoMigrants/status/1568198864192126979?t=eynOCZ8KPKvyZKbE0knpdA&s=19
#borderregime #tunisia #Chebba
Cell V: Abolishing Legally Sanctioned Totalitarian Spaces
From the forests of Poland to the cells of Germany, this cross-border investigation examines the threat of the institutionalised violence and death faced by refugees both in police custody and on the border to Europe.
“And the question arises: Is it possible to refuse to obey an order? Can you sa
#Belarus #borderregime #refugeestruggle
#belarus #borderregime #refugeestruggle