@cayleyh *gasps* 🙀
Visited the article for the comments, and they did not disappoint:
"I was told I was part of the pump, not the dump!"
"The world's tiniest violin is getting a serious workout."
Sorted by score:
Buyers of Bored Ape NFTs sue after digital apes turn out to be bad investment - Enlarge / Bored Ape NFTs can now be purchased for just $50,000 each. (c... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1961571 #boredape #policy #ftx
Ars Technica: Buyers of Bored Ape NFTs sue after digital apes turn out to be bad investment https://arstechnica.com/?p=1961571 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #boredape #Policy #FTX
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #boredape #policy #FtX
@arstechnica Did they hire lawyers from the firm #BoredApe and Associates? Cuz they’re throwing even more money 💰 in a flaming pit 🔥 of stupidity with this lawsuit! 😂
Gizmodo: Melania Trump's Apollo 11 NFTs Violate NASA Guidelines https://gizmodo.com/melania-trump-apollo-11-nfts-violate-nasa-guidelines-1850656785 #explorationofthemoon #technologyinternet #draftutilitynfts #nonfungibletoken #neilarmstrong #melaniatrump #manonthemoon #buzzaldrin #apollo11 #boredape #spaceage #gizmodo #nasa
#explorationofthemoon #technologyinternet #draftutilitynfts #nonfungibletoken #neilarmstrong #melaniatrump #manonthemoon #buzzaldrin #apollo11 #boredape #spaceage #gizmodo #nasa
Langeweile beim Bored Ape Yacht Club: Apecoin auf Rekordtief https://www.btc-echo.de/news/langeweile-beim-bored-ape-yacht-club-apecoin-auf-rekordtief-167412/ #Altcoins #BoredApe #ApeCoin
Gizmodo: Sega Boss Says the Company Might Be Done With that Dumb NFT Game https://gizmodo.com/sega-boss-nft-games-blockchain-shuji-utsumi-1850615331 #draftthesandboxblockchaingame #ireeduigantogtokh #cryptocurrencies #nonfungibletoken #decentralization #blockchaingame #justinbeiber #axieinfinity #blockchains #bandainamco #shujiutsumi #squareenix #boredape #ethereum #ubisoft #bitcoin #sega #web3
#draftthesandboxblockchaingame #ireeduigantogtokh #cryptocurrencies #nonfungibletoken #decentralization #blockchaingame #justinbeiber #axieinfinity #blockchains #bandainamco #shujiutsumi #squareenix #boredape #ethereum #ubisoft #bitcoin #sega #web3
Is Justin Bieber’s Ape Really Worth $59,000? The Nuances of Valuing NFTs - Last week, the floor price of popular NFT collection Bored Ape Yacht Club fell to a 20-mo... - https://www.coindesk.com/web3/2023/07/06/is-justin-biebers-ape-really-worth-59000-the-nuances-of-valuing-nfts/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #news_analysis #justinbieber #steveaoki #boredape #web3 #nft
#nft #web3 #boredape #steveaoki #justinbieber #news_analysis
Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT Collection Floor Price Sinks to 20-Month Low - The floor price of the Yuga Labs NFT collection fell to 27.4 ETH, or about $53,000 on Sun... - https://www.coindesk.com/web3/2023/07/03/bored-ape-yacht-club-nft-collection-floor-price-sinks-to-20-month-low/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #boredapeyachtclub #boredape #yugalabs #web3 #news #nft
#nft #news #web3 #yugalabs #boredape #boredapeyachtclub
NFTs: Markt nimmt 2023 an Fahrt auf – trotz schwachem April https://www.btc-echo.de/schlagzeilen/nfts-markt-nimmt-2023-an-fahrt-auf-trotz-schwachem-april-163652/ #Cryptopunks #BoredApe #NFT
NFT-Verkäufe: Bored Apes dominieren den Markt https://www.btc-echo.de/schlagzeilen/bored-apes-dominieren-nft-markt-163474/ #Cryptopunks #BoredApe #YugaLabs #NFT
#Cryptopunks #boredape #yugalabs #nft
NFT.NYC Was Calm, but Side Events Stirred Drama - While the annual conference saw fewer attendees in a chilly NFT winter, the real “magic” ... - https://www.coindesk.com/web3/2023/04/17/nftnyc-was-calm-but-side-events-stirred-drama/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #boredape #opinion #nft.nyc #nftnow #web3 #nft
#web3 #nftnow #nft #opinion #boredape
Bored Ape Yacht Club Floor Price Slides to Five-Month Low as Prominent Investor Dumps Holdings - The floor price of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) collection has slumped to a five-month... - https://www.coindesk.com/business/2023/04/13/bored-ape-yacht-club-floor-price-slides-to-five-month-low-as-prominent-investor-dumps-holdings/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #boredapeyachtclub #on-chaindata #boredape #finance #news #bayc #nft
#nft #bayc #news #finance #boredape #on #boredapeyachtclub
‘Tonight Show’s’ Jimmy Fallon Files to Be Removed From Subpoena in Bored Apes Trademark Case - Lawyers for “The Tonight Show” host Jimmy Fallon filed a motion to quash a document subpo... - https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/03/07/tonight-shows-jimmy-fallon-files-to-be-removed-from-subpoena-in-bored-apes-trademark-case/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #regulations #jimmyfallon #boredape #lawsuit #policy #news
#news #policy #lawsuit #boredape #jimmyfallon #regulations
Today's @minimumcompetence is a good one, as it is a @gina day!
"In today’s alphabet soup, we’ll be discussing a cryptocurrency firm’s warning from the SEC, Tesla’s new GC, continued IP issues faced by the Bored Ape NFT creator and a lawsuit against TikTok claiming that it is surveilling its users."
#podcast #tesla #sec #boredape #NFT #tiktok