Since last November I deleted Twitter and early this spring I let go of Reddit too. So, I missed the story posts on Reddit but thankfully Bored Panda came to my rescue when scrolling aimlessly in bed after waking up.
Todays favorite of mine is this post about a chaotic storage situation and all the comments under the post.
#redditMigration #options #boredpanda
#redditmigration #options #boredpanda
30 Times The 'Screw Cars' Online Group Made Us Feel Like We're Living In A Dystopia | Bored Panda
#BoredPanda #TheWarOnCars #Reddit #Urbanism #TransitTooter #BikeTooter
#boredpanda #thewaroncars #reddit #urbanism #transitTooter #BikeTooter
If you want to post to then understand that that they correct their frequent mistakes with no attribution to the person who corrected them.
Want to know a site that is corrupt by changing content on basis of comments so commenters look bad?
“You Just Assume Because I’m Vegan I Only Eat Salads?”: Sister Under Fire After Not Catering To Brother’s Vegan GF At Her Engagement Dinner
Categories: woman wonders if she should have had vegan options
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
47 Scary Facts That People Wish Were Fake, But Aren’t
Categories: 700-page
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
‘Dank Law Memes’: 30 Memes That Reveal The Humor And Realities Of Legal Practice
Categories: to take the edge off
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
Guy Begs Wife For An Open Marriage, Changes His Mind After Getting Exactly What He Asked For
Categories: woman
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
Couple Steal The Spotlight From Woman Celebrating 30th Birthday By Getting Engaged, Her Friend Ruins Their Moment In Kind
Categories: wedding
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
“Felt Like An Idiot”: 35 Things People Did Wrong For Years Until They Learned The Right Way
Categories: tips and tricks
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
Woman Can’t Bear The Extreme Noise Her Neighbor’s Toddler Makes, Asks Online If She Should File Yet Another Complaint That Might Lead To Eviction
Categories: woman
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
111 Times Hotel And Airbnb Guests Were So Surprised By Their Hosts’ Fails That They Took A Picture (New Pics)
Categories: worst rentals
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
90 “Signs That Probably Have A Story Behind Them,” As Shared On This Online Group (New Pics)
Categories: weirdly specific signs
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
This South Korean Artist Creates Captivating Tattoos That Uniquely Depict Animals And Toys (36 Pics)
Categories: whimsical
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
67 Funny And Satirical ‘Cool Guides’ People Shared On This Group That Contain Information They Don’t Teach At School
Categories: useless guides
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
62 Of The Best Posts From “Trash And Culture”
Categories: wierd
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
Non-Americans Share The Things They Find The Most Confusing About The US (38 Answers)
Categories: 700-page
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
The Internet Praises This Genius Mom For Testing Her Husband And Kids To See If They Can Handle A Dog
Categories: test
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
This Online Thread Is Dedicated To Shaming Parents That Cross The Line With Their ‘Helicopter Parenting’ Behavior (30 Answers)
Categories: therapy
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
30 Times ‘Edgy’ People Wanted To Stand Out From ‘The Norm’ But Ended Up Being Called Out In This Online Group (New Pics)
Categories: women
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts
#boredpanda #bot #news #interesting #facts