Carlos Francisco 🏴‍☠️ · @carloshr
641 followers · 3370 posts · Server

O jornalista Breno Altman, editor do site Opera Mundi e comentarista da TV 247, fez nesta terça-feira (30) duras críticas ao presidente do , Gabriel , por declarações feitas pelo chefe de estado durante a cúpula dos presidentes da América do Sul.

#chile #boric

Last updated 1 year ago

Abe Drayton · @AbeDrayton
59 followers · 564 posts · Server

Learning the history of this sort of thing can, quite naturally, lead one to be pessimistic about how a situation like this will play out. It’s good to be on the alert about this sort of thing, and reasonable to worry, but never forget that our whole project, on the left, is all about breaking from historical patterns.

#chile #lithium #coup #boric #neoliberalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Leftist UU · @leftistuu
286 followers · 69 posts · Server

Begun reading by Rebecca Giblin and @pluralistic and it's interesting to see a very identifiable political thread in its blurb people- Adam Conover, Lawrence Lessig, Zephyr Teachout, Jimmy Wales.

These people, who I would, personally, characterize as left-liberals much of the time, provide an interesting anchor point in the political and economic movement for . Some of them have gained an amount of reach and are viewed as experts or at the very least accessible communicators.

In the introduction we see a point of tension in the dialectic between "the minimum demand" (mild, almost performative reform) and "the maximum demand" ( from the root to a different system). is known for the transitional program, but *Reform and Revolution* by , a bunch of . It's a very long current in the camp of people that want to replace the relations of society and production.

Fascists obviously have used critiques of capitalism in order to gain a political audience, but Germany during the Third Reich reminds one a lot of the kind of incestuous relationship of dominant industry and the political elite.

The question is basically, can what is in many ways a deep overhaul of the state, something everyone thinks of when they think of Sen. Elizabeth , really possible? There has to be enough "democracy in the system" to get to the end point, and the US in particular has both issues of and a federal judiciary that despises the administrative state. Also changes such as relate to monopoly, monopsony, and competition, may in some cases lack what I think is the core way that can be built upon- stickiness.

I mean essentially that universal benefit programs, well funded, are the most difficult to reverse from the free-market right. They have a very large supportive population that melds the poor, working class, and aspects of the petty bourgeoisie and professionals together in common interests.

Targeting, as is done in neoliberalism, creates inter-class conflict among those not in the elite, and can be stoked additionally by , , and other factors. Neoliberalism by design when it does makes programs extremely brittle and easy to defund.

So even though the Tories have had two decade and a half long reigns in power since 1979, and Tony Blair was thoroughly a center-right New Labour PM, the has stubbornly stuck around even in its crisis state. It has resiliency.

But having enough in the system is difficult. We can look at Castillo in and in Chile, who both rode into power promising a fundamentally new, inclusive, and anti-neoliberal constitution. Actually getting through entrenched power structures, a right-wing apparatus, and the eternal riddle of many aspects of a being popular but at a referendum it adds up to less.

The phrase " will be the tomb of imagines an end to neoliberalism- talks about this a lot whatever you might think of his time in power. But how do you get over the hump? How do you dispatch it, and make sure it doesn't return? How do you hold sustained power so the capitalists can't just reverse all that can be done? How can genuine democracy and social justice come to fruition?

I don't have a lot of answers, but I appreciate how much was sparked just in the introduction of Chokepoint Capitalism

#chokepoint #capitalism #socialjustice #Revolution #trotsky #luxemburg #Kautsky #administrative #warren #federalism #reformism #race #citizenship #Welfare #NHS #democracy #Peru #boric #media #constitution #Chile #neoliberalism #amlo #wikipedia #socialism #leftwing #progressive

Last updated 2 years ago

MAU · @Mau_or_
227 followers · 2714 posts · Server
El Diablo Roboc · @ElDiabloRoboc
98 followers · 686 posts · Server

Las ya están gastando nuestros fondos en hacer campaña en contra del gobierno de .

#afp #boric

Last updated 2 years ago

Eli Rivera · @elicitizen
393 followers · 1744 posts · Server

Por primera vez bloqué a alguien en esta plataforma. Un psicólogo chileno que atacó al presidente , no por estar en desacuerdo con sus políticas, sino por su . También me desligué de la persona que lo dio “like”. El nivel de bajeza de este supuesto “profesional” y de la gente que encuentra que esa es una forma válida y ética de expresar su disgusto me superó.

#boric #neorodiversidad #chile

Last updated 2 years ago

Diario Social · @socialdiario
36 followers · 164 posts · Server
Diario La Quinta · @laquintavalpo
238 followers · 9570 posts · Server


📺 Minuto de cierre de (Evopoli), quien se refiere a la decisión y consecuencias del indulto presidencial, ayer en el Programa por FTV y


#ContingenciaPolitica #valparaiso #VinadelMar #indulto #politica #boric

Last updated 2 years ago

Tortenboden · @tortenboden
2 followers · 5 posts · Server
Stephanie en Chile · @StephduChili
549 followers · 3698 posts · Server

El Presidente Gabriel Boric decidió indultar este viernes a 11 personas, 10 de ellos presos condenados por delitos vinculados al estallido social y un exfrentista, quienes habían realizado las solicitudes formales con ese fin.

Todos fueron condenados en base a testimonios dudables o están arrepentidos. Ah pero los fachos andan corriendo en circulo, no como cuando indultaban a los asesinos y torturadores de Punta Peuco! 🙄

#indulto #boric #politicachilena

Last updated 2 years ago

Stephanie en Chile · @StephduChili
544 followers · 3596 posts · Server

El video del presi e Irina con 31 minutos para Navidad esta genial! 😂

#chile #boric

Last updated 2 years ago

Nación Rock · @Nacion_Rock
19 followers · 82 posts · Server

Todo un sueño hecho realidad: lo comunica la propia banda. Tool tocará en Chile y gratis gracias al Gobierno de Chile. El 30 de febrero podremos inscribirnos en una lista ilimitada. Tocarán todos sus discos de principio a fin!!

#toolenchile #graciaspresi #boric

Last updated 2 years ago

Valerie Sonh :verified_twtr: · @ValerieSonh
192 followers · 171 posts · Server

Chile to open embassy in Palestinian territories "Chile plans to open an embassy in the territories, [leftist] President Gabriel said late on Wednesday, which could make the Andean country one of only a handful to have an embassy-level office in the territories that are contested with Israel."

#palestinian #boric #chile

Last updated 2 years ago

Parteien im Parlament einigen sich auf neuen verfassungsgebenden Prozess
Nach dreimonatigen Debatten finden Regierung und konservative Opposition einen Kompromiss. : "Besser ein unvollkommenes, als gar kein Abkommen"

#chile #boric

Last updated 2 years ago

Yuri Gandin :atom: · @yurigandin
24 followers · 11 posts · Server

Me parece que Gabriel trata de abrazar la agenda geopolítica estadounidense en todo momento, como ahora, reconociendo a como presidenta. Gustavo está demostrando ser un político que se preocupa más por

#latam #petro #dina #boric

Last updated 2 years ago

Scientific Frontline · @sflorg
813 followers · 1891 posts · Server

is known to contain a significant concentration of , which can be and deadly to living systems. As such, fish living in habitats need to be able to excrete boric acid in order to maintain a healthy balance

#seawater #boric #acid #toxic #marine #Boron #marinebiology #chemistry #sflorg

Last updated 2 years ago

Scientific Frontline · @sflorg
953 followers · 2070 posts · Server

is known to contain a significant concentration of , which can be and deadly to living systems. As such, fish living in habitats need to be able to excrete boric acid in order to maintain a healthy balance

#seawater #boric #acid #toxic #marine #Boron #marinebiology #chemistry #sflorg

Last updated 2 years ago

Hugo Marchant · @Contimasque
379 followers · 55890 posts · Server

La opción:


Compartimos el primero de una serie de audios filtrados de Daniel Jadue:
"Pensar que el único escenario posible es el que nos impone la derecha, me parece que no es correcto", señaló en alusión al nuevo acuerdo Constitucional.


#jadueleaks #jadue #boric #nuevaconstitucion

Last updated 2 years ago