RT @pipp100@twitter.com
@Bbmorg@twitter.com 'Brexit is working' so well it's obliterated devastated ruined wrecked demolished annihilated blighted destroyed wasted broken gutted wiped out our lives as we knew them in the #UK before #BorisGotBrexitDone #BrexitIsntWorking There are #NoBenefitsToBrexit
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/pipp100/status/1613944483736948742
#nobenefitstobrexit #BrexitIsntWorking #borisgotbrexitdone #uk
RT @pipp100@twitter.com
@RestoreHope_20@twitter.com #BorisJohnsonMP A self-interested, self-absorbed selfish,conceited egocentric ยท egotistical,self-absorbed greedy narcissist with no boundries to exploit, jump at u grasp to take advantage of something or someone at any price. #BorisGotBrexitDone #JohnsonPMGotBritainDoneOver
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/pipp100/status/1604884523929731072
#johnsonpmgotbritaindoneover #borisgotbrexitdone #borisjohnsonmp