@Icenijay Can't see the sunlit uplands from down here among the shitty rivers. Anyhow, if you want something decent to support, how about this if you've not seen it already https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/thepoweroflies#start ? #nomorelies #BorisJohnsonIsALyingGit
#borisjohnsonisalyinggit #nomorelies
Quite like (as always) #JamesObrien summary on Boris and how the media just keep insisting on presenting "both sides". I agree with James, there are not 2 sides here, at least not in terms of honesty or morality. Anyhow see what you think ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwnPwZG1Rno #BorisJohnsonIsALyingGit
#borisjohnsonisalyinggit #jamesobrien
Is Boris Johnson is prison yet? #blindOptimism #BorisJohnsonIsALyingGit
#borisjohnsonisalyinggit #blindoptimism