Danger Mouse und Jemini the Gifted One schreiben und produzieren vor gut 20 Jahren ihr zweites Album „Born Alive“. Dann landet die Platte in einer Schublade. Jetzt veröffentlichen die beiden mit „Brooklyn Basquiat“ die erste Single daraus. Warum erst jetzt?
#BornAlive #BrooklynBasqiuat #DangerMouse #Jemini #NeuesAlbum #PopfilterDerSongDesTages
#bornalive #brooklynbasqiuat #dangermouse #jemini #neuesalbum #popfilterdersongdestages
#BornAlive legislation trending. Passed #NMLeg states any infant who is born alive, including one born during the course of an #abortion, shall be treated as a legal person with the right to medically appropriate and reasonable care and treatment.
Woman who survived #abortion thanks #Trump for signing #BornAlive executive order: https://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2020/september/woman-who-survived-abortion-thanks-trump-for-signing-born-alive-executive-order.