WARNING: This #anrtifascist video contains upsetting images. May trigger some people, particular victims of state violence, etc
#music #musica #musique #musik #musikken
#MIA- #BornFree
#AntifascistRadio #pouetradio #FediRadio #MastoRadio #AntiGenocideRadio #TootRadio #WeAreTheRadio
#anrtifascist #Music #musica #musique #musik #musikken #mia #bornfree #antifascistradio #pouetradio #fediradio #mastoradio #antigenocideradio #tootradio #wearetheradio
It's #MustangMonday! This is one of my favorite south Onaqui families! Tango, Freckles, Dune, and Butterscotch on a lazy spring afternoon. If you ever stop believing in magic, just hang out with the wild horses for a bit!
Find Prints Here: https://wildhorsephotographs.com/773036/West%20Desert%20Family.html
#WildHorses #Wildlife #Nature #Horse #Horses #AYearForArt #Animals #Stallion #Wild #TheArtDistrict #BornFree #HorsePhotography #Outdoors #Mustangs #Equine #Freedom #Photography #BuyIntoArt #PhotographyIsArt #IStandWithWildHorses
#mustangmonday #wildhorses #wildlife #nature #horse #horses #ayearforart #animals #stallion #wild #theartdistrict #bornfree #horsephotography #outdoors #mustangs #equine #freedom #photography #BuyIntoArt #photographyisart #istandwithwildhorses
Find It Here: https://wildhorsephotographs.com/772468/The%20Wanderer.html
#WildHorses #Wildlife #Nature #Horse #Horses #AYearForArt #Animals #Stallion #Wild #TheArtDistrict #BornFree #HorsePhotography #Outdoors #Mustangs #Equine #Freedom #Photography #BuyIntoArt #PhotographyIsArt #IStandWithWildHorses
#silentsunday #wildhorses #wildlife #nature #horse #horses #ayearforart #animals #stallion #wild #theartdistrict #bornfree #horsephotography #outdoors #mustangs #equine #freedom #photography #BuyIntoArt #photographyisart #istandwithwildhorses
"Born free
As free as the wind blows..."
Už jsem psala minule, že bych letos chtěla každý týden nakreslit portrét ženy, která mě nějak ovlivnila.
Tentokrát se mi to napoprvé nepovedlo. Zobrazila jsem sice úspěšnou krásnou ženu, spisovatelku, ale jakoby to nebyla ona. Tak jsem to zkusila znovu a takhle ji vidím – #JoyAdamson, kurážnou ženu ze střední Evropy, která vyslyšela volání divočiny.
#joyadamson #zeny #52tydnu #52zen #lviceelsa #volanidivociny #bornfree
"Born free
As free as the wind blows..."
Už jsem psala minule, že bych letos chtěla každý týden nakreslit portrét ženy, která mě nějak ovlivnila.
Tentokrát se mi to napoprvé nepovedlo. Zobrazila jsem sice úspěšnou krásnou ženu, spisovatelku, ale jakoby to nebyla ona. Tak jsem to zkusila znovu a takhle ji vidím – Joy Adamson, usměvavou a kurážnou ženu ze střední Evropy, která vyslyšela volání divočiny.
#zeny #52tydnu #52zen #JoyAdamson #lviceElsa #volanidivociny #bornfree
#zeny #52tydnu #52zen #joyadamson #lviceelsa #volanidivociny #bornfree
The #BornFree statues on #Edinburgh Meadows look particularly beautiful this morning coated with a heavy frost.
From #AntiFascistBlackMetalNetwork
#SouthAfrica #bornfree #Soweto
#DemogorothSatanum, all-black black metal band | #UPROXXReports
#antifascist #metal #music #música #musik #musique
South Africa's first all-black black metal band, Demogoroth Satanum, is overcoming the country's dark past with every tension-breaking show.“Metal represents...
#antifascistblackmetalnetwork #southafrica #bornfree #Soweto #DemogorothSatanum #UPROXXReports #metal #musique #AntiFascist #Music #música #musik
Florida surgeon general claims #feds ‘preventing’ COVID antibody treatments
“[L]ack of allocation of this life-saving treatment from the federal govt continues to cause another immediate and life-threatening shortage of treatment options”