What i learned from the hackerjeoparty at #bornhack?
... its always "and perl"
Last train for today's trip from #BornHack home : From 6.05 a.m. to 7.51 p.m., 8 trains across 4 counties summing up to 1017 km.
Chilling in a hammock for a short while between volunteer chores preparing #BornHack2023 for tear-down. "Goodbye World!" is coming up shortly. Great experience at #BornHack, this was my very first hacker event but will definitely not be my last!
I have made my first web game! It is a GPS based game you run on your phone's mobile browser. I made it at the game jam at #BornHack. Thanks to @asbjorn and the folks at pyjam.as for hosting the event!
You can play the game here:
You must allow GPS and sound for it to work. If the GPS position is buggy and the red circle disappear, refresh the page and try again.
Lyssnar på lightning talks på #BornHack. Senaste talk är av det danska kooperativet data.coop:
"data.coop is a cooperative, which owns and operates a digital infrastructure for its members. Our fundamental vision is to protect our members’ data.
Bra att fler sådana här alternativ finns. Vi i Kamratdataföreningen @konstellationen pysslar också med sånt här. Också collective.tools och fripost
Testing fediverse association via #BornHack 2023 NFC badge ID.
Härlog feeling på #BornHack! Festen är i full gång och musiken dunkar men nu går jag och knyter mig. I morgon blir det workshop med att löda programmeringsbara leds
Home is where the wifi connects automatically. Arriving at #BornHack is coming home.
Panelsamtal om #ChatControl på #BornHack. Mycket viktig fråga! Det är viktigt att mobilisera i september
So film chemistry is difficult… No on-site development and potential great photos lost :/ Hope to be better prepared next year! #bornhack
And the projector was a bit harsh on the old slide ;-)
Starting hacking at the #BornHack 2023 badge. This badge are actually two: one badge with an NFC tag and one that is an NFC reader.