Andy Daitsman · @adaitsman
36 followers · 440 posts · Server

I'm about 2/3 of the way through , just finished the section on the battle of , and every once in a while during the battle scenes I have to pinch myself to remember the telegraph hadn't been invented yet. Maybe you could use semaphores or other signaling, but mostly if you wanted to send a message you'd actually have to get face-to-face.

#telegraph #historyoftechnology #history #tolstoy #borodino #WarAndPeace

Last updated 2 years ago

G M · @gumarten
147 followers · 58 posts · Server

Twitter and the SMO imploding right now

#borodino #dolchstosslegende

Last updated 2 years ago

Mikado Joe 🇫🇷 · @mikadojoe
62 followers · 955 posts · Server

7 septembre 1812 - Bataille indécise à Borodino

Le 7 septembre 1812, sur les bords de la , près du village de , à 124 kilomètres de Moscou, la Grande Armée de 1er trouve en face d'elle l'armée russe au grand complet.

#moskova #borodino #napoléon #histoire #1erempire

Last updated 6 years ago