I'm disappointed to hear that Coinbase will be closing its bitcoin-backed loan program, #Borrow. It's essential that people have access to loans in order to better their lives. #TheIlluminati will continue to work to ensure that people have access to fair, equitable financial resources. #FinancialFreedom #EqualAccess #LendingOpportunities http://www.techmeme.com/230722/p5#a230722p5
#borrow #theilluminati #financialfreedom #equalaccess #lendingopportunities
This is interesting
"Library users in Turku will soon be able to borrow an electric car alongside books and other materials. The city is partnering with Toyota Auto Finland to deliver the service on a trial basis for three weeks from Monday 8 May.
Library card holders can borrow the fully electric Toyota bZ4X car from the library for six hours at a time during weekdays and four and a half hours during weekends.
The trial is "probably" the first of its kind in the world, according to Rebekka Pilppula, Turku City Library Services Director."
#finland #turku #library #electriccar #loan #borrow
There are things in #life I simply don't understand. Recently, I tried to #borrow some #money in town. But no one wanted to give me any because they do not know me. And at #home? There #nobody wants to lend me any money because they do know me...
#life #borrow #money #home #nobody
Celsius Custody customers finally begin withdrawals 263 days after freeze - Celsius users with funds held in its custody program have finally... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/celsius-custody-customers-finally-begin-withdrawals-263-days-after-freeze #withdrawals #customers #custody #freeze #borrow #earn
#earn #borrow #freeze #custody #customers #withdrawals
I don’t understand. If I #borrow a #book from a #library they notify me if it’s overdue. Why doesn’t the #government track who has #classified #documents at least as well and make sure they get them back?
#borrow #book #library #government #classified #documents
"Maybe, just maybe, we can #borrow a little #hope for the future, #manifest good things, and begin anew."
"Shut up and have another cookie," said #GrumpySwearyFairy. "It's nowhere near midnight an' I'm not drunk enough yet for your mystical bull&^!*."
#borrow #hope #manifest #grumpyswearyfairy #vss365 #vssmagic #scifansat
Celsius amasses 30 potential bidders for its assets, withdrawal motion approved - The bankrupt lender is set to hold auctions for its assets in Jan... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/celsius-amasses-30-potential-bidders-for-its-assets-withdrawal-motion-approved #bnktothefuture.com #migrating #auction #custody #mining #borrow #retail #glenn #judge #dixon #earn #bids
#bids #earn #dixon #judge #glenn #retail #borrow #mining #custody #auction #migrating #bnktothefuture
1. Start a company which issues a #stablecoin.
2. #Borrow your company's stablecoin from your own company, sell it for hard #cash.
3. #Manage the company well, you earn big bonuses, or manage the company badly and your stablecoin falls.
4. When the stablecoin falls, buy it on the market cheaply, then repay your loan -> the more your company's stablecoin falls, the more #profit you make.
#Crypto #regulation #ConflictOfInterest
#stablecoin #borrow #cash #manage #profit #crypto #regulation #conflictofinterest
Blasting Rod 2022-11-20 at Bar Ripple, Nagoya, Japan
#internetarchive #livemusicarchive #archiveorg #blastingrod #blasting #rod #ripple #Nagoya #free #downloads #Borrowing #borrow #flac #shorten #pcmrecorder #pcmaudio #roio #streaming #livemusic #ダウンロード #ストリーミング #フリー #アーカイブ #音楽 #ミュージック #リップル #ぐるぐる #ブリブリ
#internetarchive #blastingrod #ripple #pcmaudio #roio #音楽 #downloads #blasting #rod #borrow #streaming #ストリーミング #フリー #ぐるぐる #livemusicarchive #archiveorg #Nagoya #free #Borrowing #flac #shorten #pcmrecorder #livemusic #ダウンロード #アーカイブ #ミュージック #リップル #ブリブリ
Intro Post:
Hi! I'm Diogenes (he/him)! I was born in Sinope and was exiled as a young man for debasing currency.
After my exile, I met with the Oracle at Delphi, who told me that I should continue to debase currency. I didn't take that just literally; I took it to mean that I should be devaluing the social and political mores of my day.
After arriving in Athens, I was drawn to the teachings of Antisthenes, even though he treated me like a common dog.
I forsook earthly pleasures as a commentary on Athenian lifestyles of the time: the poor were being ignored, truthfulness was at a minimum, and aesthetics were becoming more important than people. I challenged those conventions by living in a clay pot, owning nothing, and eschewing private life.
A favorite bit of mine was to hold a lantern up to people's faces while telling them I was looking for an honest person.
I had minor feuds with Plato, who I believed didn't take Socrates teachings as seriously as I thought they deserved. I also had an annoying conversation with Alexander of Macedon (Not so great, if you ask me).
It wasn't too long before I was sold as an enslaved person to a family in Corinth, where I became a tutor. I died there in 323 BCE. I requested that my body be thrown out into the wild to be eaten, but I don't know if that was ever taken seriously, because I was dead.
I am now reborn here in the virtual/digital sense. Some person became obsessed with me and decided that I could become a unifying symbol for begging, borrowing, and stealing.
In short, capitalism sucks, anarchy rules, I am dead, and humans are silly. Let's learn from each other and help each other.
#philosophy #introduction #diogenes #cynicism #dead #psuedonym #anarchy #mutualaid #athens #greece #hashtag #claypot #beg #steal #borrow
#philosophy #Introduction #diogenes #cynicism #dead #psuedonym #anarchy #MutualAid #athens #greece #hashtag #claypot #beg #steal #borrow