So weeks later I finally gets around to debug and fix that quick utility I wrote on a whim. I don't need no borrowchecker to fight. I can do well enough with my own logic errors!
#rustlang #hacking #borrowchecker
I think it is B because v1 borrows v but the lifetime directly ends and v is free for v2 again.
#rustquiz #rustlang #rust #borrowchecker
This thread on the #rustlang forum has taught me so much more than any other resource about the #borrowChecker that I think its content should become part of some official docs (like a deep dive section in the #rustBook )
#rustlang #borrowchecker #rustbook
I just completed "No Space Left On Device" - Day 7 - Advent of Code 2022 #AdventOfCode
Screw the #borrowChecker, #python rulez!
#adventofcode #borrowchecker #python
:rust: Borrow Checker
#Primeagen does a brilliant job of describing what is #borrowChecker in #rust
As in the past I had learnt C & C++ I know about value vs reference so it was easy for me to grasp the concept.
#primeagen #borrowchecker #rust
The one "#IllegalTrick" to make #rust's #BorrowChecker shut the hell up :)
#illegaltrick #rust #borrowchecker
Feel like I achieved something today. Got a nice #treeStructure going in #Rust, with a lot of convenient functionality, that finally satisfies the #borrowChecker! Doing something in Rust is almost always rewarding when you're new to it, because you've likely spent many hours battling through compile errors and re-architecting your solution. #myJourneyWithRust
#myJourneyWithRust #borrowchecker #rust #treeStructure
Rust pattern: Iterating an over a `Rc<Vec<T>>`,
A very instructive discussion about how to iterate a `Rc<Vec<T>>` while getting the borrow checker happy. Must read.