@mcdanlj @OpenSCAD Oh, I didn't want to imply your choice of #FreeCAD was bad by any means, sorry if you got the impression.
I just meant the scriptability. I didn't know you could script FreeCAD just as easily (with #Python I guess?).
Maybe the #BOSL2 has something for that case (@cdc @linux_mclinuxface). But right, using angles for parametrisation is probably a better idea 🙂
Let's design an easily 3D printable #egg in only 4 steps thanks to #OpenSCAD and #BOSL2: 1. use the "egg" module to create the initial 2D shape; 2. combine it with the "teardrop2d" module to limit overhang (thus no support will be required); 3. rotate and cut the result to keep only the relevant half on the "X ≥ 0" plane. This is a prerequisite for the next step 4. use the "rotate_extrude" module. Et voilà, happy #Easter!
#egg #openscad #bosl2 #easter #3dprinting
🇬🇧 I finally uploaded the slides/sources of the presentation I made about #OpenSCAD & #BOSL2 during #JDLL 2023: https://pretalx.jdll.org/media/jdll2023/submissions/C9XN8T/resources/slides_CwAxpo9.zip
🇫🇷 J'ai enfin téléversé les diapos/sources de la présentation que j'ai fait au sujet d'#OpenSCAD & #BOSL2 lors des #JDLL 2023: https://pretalx.jdll.org/media/jdll2023/submissions/C9XN8T/resources/slides_CwAxpo9.zip
Demain dimanche 2 avril aux #JDLL j'expliquerai comment créer une infinité de pièces Lego™ en seulement 20 lignes de #OpenSCAD & #BOSL2. Si ça vous intéresse c'est à 11h dans la salle des possibles (l'entrée est à l'extérieur, à côté du food truck ). À demain 👋
Pour ceux qui ne pourront pas se déplacer: https://www.videos-libr.es/w/tTd1DMN3YewVE8Lyn6V6Fe
Des amis m'ont dit que ma précédente cerise n'était pas suffisamment réaliste. Qu'à cela ne tienne, j'ai relevé le défis et voilà le résultat ! Pour savoir comment faire en utilisant la fonction sweep() de #BOSL2 — une formidable bibliothèque pour #OpenSCAD — venez me voir aux @jdll 2023 dans 2 semaines à Lyon 😉 #impression3D #3Dprinting
#bosl2 #openscad #impression3d #3dprinting
🇬🇧 This is the cherry on the cake! I published the printable version and sources here: https://www.printables.com/model/424269-cherry #3dprinting #OpenSCAD #BOSL2
🇫🇷 C'est la cerise sur le gâteau! J'ai publié la version imprimable et ses sources ici: https://www.printables.com/model/424269-cherry #impression3D #OpenSCAD #BOSL2
#3dprinting #openscad #bosl2 #impression3d
Hello @jefftml If this can help, the awesome #BOSL2 library provides a lot of configurable 3D shapes. Here's an example to create exactly the same conical tube as yours with a single line of code (more info: https://github.com/revarbat/BOSL2/wiki/shapes3d.scad#module-tube)
Maybe you need an #OpenSCAD library that'll help you make PVC pipe models from a small collection of standard part shapes?
Maybe you need those #PVC parts to be real-world specification correct? Like, with the same diameters and walls and threads as what you'd find in Home Depot, detailed by PVC schedule?
Perhaps you'd like to make parts attach together in your model, as easily as #BOSL2 does, to fully plan your project?
My friend, have I got a thing for you:
Bevel attachment points were pretty broken. I've reworked it to include the apex anchor from #BOSL2, and that *mostly* works, though I dislike the idea that bevels can't consistently have a reliable center-point.
That fix required a revisit of eight models: 007 025 043 049 053 074 087 and 200 all needed reverification. 043's placement is visually awful, but the gears *will* mesh.
Also, got six models done in addition to the above, 502 through 507; list-missing is now at 373.
I think last week's 507 update was, "no models because measure()", which is mostly also true this week. Finished doc'ing it up, and it works great. Still have to merge it to mainline though.
Found a bug in #BOSL2 's sortidx() which was unexpected and kind of exciting. They've already got the PR queued.
I did get some models in, though, and that's thrilling. The missing mechanism count is now at 413 (-6 since Nov 18).
Most fav this week: 097
Absolutely zero mechanisms were modeled this week, because I got a bug in my head about measurements and dimensions and worked on those within 507common.
And then, yesterday while documenting measure(), it became clear that *any attachable #BOSL2 3D shape* in #OpenSCAD can be measure()ed, without any additional effort. This was quite the happy accident. Obviously they're not perfect, eg anything with an orientation other than UP is weird, but there's LOTS of potential here. 😀
Absolutely zero mechanisms were modeled this week, because I got a bug in my head about measurements and dimensions and worked on those within 507common.
And then, yesterday while documenting measure(), it became clear that *any attachable #BOSL2 3D shape* in #OpenSCAD can be measure()ed, without any additional effort. This was quite the happy accident. Obviously they're not perfect, eg anything with an orientation other than UP is weird, but there's LOTS of potential here. 😀