Авис :transbug: · @snowyavis
20 followers · 97 posts · Server mastodon.art
Daniel Bochsler 🇺🇦🇪🇺 · @box
266 followers · 23 posts · Server sciences.social

The article cites examples thereof, ranging from trade union leaders elected as supposedly fake “Slavic ” in , & lists, redoubling the List in , and – needless to say – the dilemma in -Herzegovina.

50 copies are for free: tandfonline.com/eprint/V7ABGDY

#macedonians #romania #bosniak #roma #serb #Kosovo #komsic #bosnia

Last updated 2 years ago

Jeffrey K. Walker · @jwalk1230
235 followers · 834 posts · Server toot.community

Having spent most of 1994-1997 working the conflict as a military lawyer, I remember a lot of “both-sides-ism” back then. That was political mealy-mouthing. We investigators and prosecutors on the front lines knew exactly who the war criminals and genocidaires were—the , full stop. There were a few odd or war criminals, but they were aberrations. For the Serbs, it was a strategic goal.

#balkanswar #serbs #bosniak #croatian #bosniakgenocide #warcrimes

Last updated 2 years ago