I do not have time for your shenanigans, human!
#petsofmastodon #bunny #bossbun #whiskerswednesday
@cenobyte @Satori @Madalyn_Bunny I'm not sure why you're surprised. A #BossBun has to have a strong network!
Human was late for our usual petting session, so I had to make it clear that I was not pleased 😠 I have a schedule, human!
#bossbun #petsofmastodon #adailyviolet
@ADailyViolet I had to laugh getting the tracking number for my order- it says “from an independent artist”. I’m sure you, Violet the #BossBun, would have something to say about that. 😉
Should it be instead “from an artist carefully supervised by a smol grey rabbit” instead? 🤔
@ADailyViolet I had to laugh getting the tracking number for my order- it says “from an independent artist”. I’m sure you, Violet the #BossBun, would have something to say about that. 😉
Should it be instead “from an artist carefully supervised by a smol grey rabbit” instead? 🤔
@Satori @PennyPatch Every #BossBun has her own style - and you're already wearing trousers so you're well on your way! 😉
@PennyPatch Ohhh, Chief Executive Bun? L’il ‘ol me? *shy* Wow, thank you so much! I’ll make you proud, dear Penny! 😁🥰💖
Ohh, I’ll need a whole new wardrobe now! I better consult with @ADailyViolet on how to wear a power suit- I bet she knows being a #BossBun and all! 😁
No #BossBun here, Monday. Just a smooth gray rock 🥸
#bossbun #petsofmastodon #rabbit #adailyviolet
@ADailyViolet @Satori Skye is definitely #bossbun material - making things difficult for coworkers and then proudly taking credit for the hard work of others!