Ice Mimic Drops in Terraria! #BossFight #game #gaming #magic #melee #mimic #Ranger #Role-playingVideoGame #shimmer #Shorts #summoner #Terraria #Terraria1.4 #Terraria1.4.4 #Terraria1.4.5 #TerrariaGameplay #TerrariaGuide #TerrariaMimic #TerrariaMimicFarm #TerrariaOst #TerrariaTipsAndTricks #TerrariaUnderratedWeapons #TerrariaUpdate #TerrariaVideos #VideoGame #YoutubeGamingChannel #zenith
#bossfight #game #gaming #magic #melee #mimic #ranger #role #shimmer #shorts #summoner #terraria #terraria1 #terrariagameplay #terrariaguide #terrariamimic #terrariamimicfarm #terrariaost #terrariatipsandtricks #terrariaunderratedweapons #terrariaupdate #terrariavideos #videogame #youtubegamingchannel #zenith
I have officially completed my entry for the #Pwnisher #BossFight #3D #Art #challenge
It has real mixtec glyphs too! I am really proud of the Yahui!
#pwnisher #bossfight #3d #art #challenge
So KOTOR peeps, who lasts longer in a fight Calo Nord or Darth Bandon? (Bonus round: How do the droids from the Dantooine ruins compare?)
Who is a better villain?
Who is a more interesting character?
For me it's Calo Nord.
#kotor #starwars #gaming #knightsoftheoldrepublic #villain #bossfight
#kotor #starwars #gaming #knightsoftheoldrepublic #villain #bossfight
Enjoy the highlights from my 7 hour expedition of Liurnia of the Lakes! 🏞️
#EldenRing #EldenRingGameplay #Liurnia #LiurniaOfTheLakes #BossRush #BossFight #TibiaMariner #LeyndellKnight #Golem #ErdtreeAvatar #ChantingWingedDame #SongOfLament #Bols #BolsCarianKnight #GiantLandOctopus #DeathRiteBird #Deathbird #NightsCalvary #ScalyMisbegotten #Runebear #CemeteryShade #MadTongueAlberich #BellBearingHunter #FirstPlaythrough #Soulsborne #Gaming #VideoGames #Kabbaway #Kabba #Kab #Kabbidge #Kabbidges #A_Quirky_Australian #Gday_Websurfers
#eldenring #eldenringgameplay #liurnia #liurniaofthelakes #bossrush #bossfight #tibiamariner #leyndellknight #golem #erdtreeavatar #chantingwingeddame #songoflament #bols #bolscarianknight #giantlandoctopus #deathritebird #deathbird #nightscalvary #scalymisbegotten #runebear #cemeteryshade #madtonguealberich #bellbearinghunter #firstplaythrough #soulsborne #gaming #videogames #kabbaway #kabba #kab #kabbidge #kabbidges #a_quirky_australian #gday_websurfers
a canadian goose would make such a great end game boss. he'd do that weird thing where he shakes his head and also be all arrogant like "do you know who tf i am? i'm a protected species, you can't hit me with your car"
#goose #geese #canada #canadian #boss #fight #bossfight #game
#goose #geese #canada #canadian #boss #fight #bossfight #game
I quite hate this #bossfight, especially since it's so rigged after hours and hours and hours of #grinding
#ELDENRING #malenia #bossfight
Really is a good wee boss.
Was doing really well until those two failed Rock Spikes setting me up to nearly being killed. But it worked. Rock Spike is just way too good for melting posture bars. Though I should probably have used the dual halberds instead of the slashing spear to have been quicker (plus more earth magic damage due to embedding).
#WoLong #WolongFallenDynasty #gaming #rpg #bossfight #xbox
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #AnnieNightingalePresents
Pegboard Nerds & Bossfight:
🎵 Powerplay
#nowplaying #annienightingalepresents #bbcr1 #pegboardnerds #bossfight
Zhang Jiao was an incredibly scuffed fight and tbh, I didn't really learn to actually beat him, the Divine Beast thing was really what won that fight. Really need to learn how to deal with magic better, though I got quite good at chaining parries through his breath attack in previous attempts.
Lesson learned: Divine Beast abilities are really, really useful when in the you're towards the end of the fight for capping it off.
#WoLong #WolongFallenDynasty #bossfight #xbox #gaming #rpg
We’ve switched over to Valhiem and will be preparing for battle with an angry tree! #Valheim #bossfight #vtuber
#Klima - @tazgetroete sagt #kies ist der #bossfight - auf insta ... #heibo
#Klima #kies #bossfight #heibo
The Guild Wars 2 story definitely has some great moments.
Especially the final fight of the original storyline, beating back Zhaitan, an undead elder dragon who appears to be made of parts from other dragons.
It's the excellent soundtrack that really sells the scene.
#bossfight #gaming #game #guildwars2 #gw2
I finally defeated the Dark Lord on RuneScape 🙌 Took me a few months just to lvl up and get strong enough to fight him 😸
#runescape #darklord #bossfight
Ich warte ja noch darauf, dass #Corona und #Ebola einen Merger hinlegen. Das wäre dann die #Ebolona oder #Cobola Pandemie. Sozusagen der #Bossfight der Menschheit.
Beim aktuellen Mindset der Bevölkerung verwettete ich noch nicht mal ne halbe Bohne auf die Menschheit. 😑
#corona #ebola #ebolona #cobola #bossfight
Took a few tries, but I did finally beat this fellow. #shattered #computergames #screenshot #soulslike #bossfight #andras #soclose
#shattered #computergames #screenshot #soulslike #bossfight #andras #soclose
#Health professionals: #fireworks cause an irresponsible amount of damage
Fireworks users: well what about #cars?
Health professionals: #fireworks users in cars cause an even more irresponsible amount of damage
#health #fireworks #cars #whataboutery #bossfight