automattack · @automattack
83 followers · 386 posts · Server

I worked at Guitar Center for a while as a repair tech. One day, I got to do this.

Let's see your ridiculous guitar rigs!

#guitar #guitarGear #guitarrig #ridiculousguitarrig #rigsofdoom #pedalboard #bosshm2 #marshallamps #guitarcenter

Last updated 1 year ago

automattack · @automattack
59 followers · 109 posts · Server

This will likely be my for the upcoming shows I have in December. I added the delay pedal for one part of one song. Otherwise, it's just and a good . We'll see how it does for rehearsal this weekend.

The Boss OD was modded by Matt Weed of the band to have different clipping options, more gain, and more volume.

I do have a MIJ - the Waza version sounds great, and has less noise.

The Demedash delay started life as a T-120 Deluxe v1. I sent it back to Steve for repair and he offered to change the guts to a V2, so I went with it. It's a great .

, especially those of you who play some form of or , show me your and .

#pedalboard #distortion #tuner #rosetta #bosshm2 #tapedelay #guitarplayers #hardcore #punk #pedals #pedalboards

Last updated 2 years ago

automattack · @automattack
38 followers · 67 posts · Server