Today in #Connecticut History, August 3: Delegates To a Congress of Future Revolutionaries.
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#18thcentury #americanrevolution #august #Bostonteaparty #coerciveacts #connecticuthistory #eliphaletdyer #firstcontinentalcongress #intolerableacts #rogersherman #silasdeane #wethersfield #windham
#connecticut #18thcentury #americanrevolution #august #bostonteaparty #coerciveacts #connecticuthistory #eliphaletdyer #firstcontinentalcongress #intolerableacts #rogersherman #silasdeane #wethersfield #windham
Today in #Connecticut History, July 23: Abby Smith, Who Refused To Be Cowed
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#19thcentury #AbbySmith #Bostonteaparty #connecticuthistory #connecticutwomansuffrageassociation #glastonbury #isabellabeecherhooker #JuliaSmith #july #taxprotest #womansuffrage #women'srights
#connecticut #19thcentury #abbysmith #bostonteaparty #connecticuthistory #connecticutwomansuffrageassociation #glastonbury #isabellabeecherhooker #juliasmith #july #taxprotest #womansuffrage #women
Feeling cute. May throw some tea in the harbor today.
#bostonteaparty #boston #feelingrevolutionary #history
I have been checking out the various #DoctorSyn movies. Visually the Disney #ScarecrowOfRomneyMarsh has set my mental image but it does enhance the #AmercanMyth. Not open war, but close to the #BostonTeaParty, and the depiction of #George_III fits. It's still #DisneyHistory
#doctorsyn #scarecrowofromneymarsh #amercanmyth #bostonteaparty #george_iii #disneyhistory
@HeavenlyPossum @mandikaye @breadandcircuses
I was 38 years old (last year) when I learned that the #BostonTeaParty was due to the tax being too low and eating into the #BlackMarket Tea money, which is why the smugglers staged the raid!
Rainy Monday happy irony: coffee maker failed to work this morning, but #BostonTeaParty earned raves (and a beverage upgrade) from the neighborhood baristas!
Next year is the 250th anniversary of the #BostonTeaParty !
RT @yuyake_hino: いつか実際にメタバースで何らかの抗議デモが行われてそれが広く報道されたりする未来もするのかなーと思いながら参加していました
On this day in 1773, a bunch of rich white guys dressed up like indigenous mohawk natives (In the event they were witnessed) and dumped tea into Boston harbor. These members of the merchant class were protesting the Tea Act which effectively gave the East India Company a monopoly to sell tea in the colonies, significantly impacting American merchant profits. #BostonTeaParty
Am 16. Dezember 1773 enterten, als Indianer verkleidete Bürger von Boston, Schiffe der englischen East India Company und zerstören drei Ladungen Tee. Die #BostonTeaParty... #HistoryOfTheDay
#16dezember #HistoryOfTheDay #bostonteaparty
Reenactment of #LexingtonTeaParty (a lesser known precursor to the #BostonTeaParty in Dec. 1773).
As always, I’m struck by several things. 1) the rhetoric had a lot of business motives as well as talk about rights; 2) they spoke about their Christian God requiring them to act in a way that reminds me of how intolerant they were; 3) it’s a shame that #teaparty has been co-opted by extreme partisans; 4) I love living near historic #Boston
#lexingtonteaparty #bostonteaparty #TeaParty #boston
Hamilton the Musical is superb, as is its revisionist interpretation of the US Wars of Independence. That said, the Sensational Alex Harvey Band is better. Way, way better.
#bostonteaparty #scottishindependence
The most interesting thing #WorldCup dross about the #BostonTeaParty shtick in which 342 chests of tea belonging to the British East India Company were thrown from ships into Boston Harbor by American patriots, is that they did so disguised as #Mohawk
#worldcup #bostonteaparty #Mohawk
16 décembre 1773 : #BostonTeaParty. En protestation contre les taxes à l'importation imposées par Londres des colons américains déguisés en Indiens jettent à la mer une cargaison de thé. C'est le début du processus qui mènera à l'indépendance américaine.
#bostonteaparty #cejourla #histoire