‘Before It’s Too Late, Buddy’
This is what happens when you spend two years unmasking a well-funded Silicon Valley “apocalypse cult.”
by @xriskology
"This scenario is eerily similar to what Yudkowsky is advocating: military actions that could cause a genocidal nuclear catastrophe, if necessary to keep the techno-utopian dream alive."
#TESCREAL #Longtermism #EA #EffectiveAltruism #Yudkowsky #AGI #AGIPanic #ExistentialRisk #Bostrom #Häggström #Musk #SiliconValley
#SiliconValley #Musk #haggstrom #bostrom #existentialrisk #agipanic #agi #yudkowsky #effectivealtruism #ea #longtermism #tescreal
@Homebrewandhacking I’ve read a bit about #Longtermism. The racism of #Bostrom and #Sandberg for example. But I hadn’t really connected the movement to #AI. Happy to receive more reading suggestions!
#longtermism #bostrom #sandberg #ai
Émile Torres (@xriskology) über #Longtermismus: "Die Ideologie ist bei vielen mächtigen Personen beliebt."
"Unter einflussreichen Menschen macht sich zunehmend eine Ideologie breit: der Longtermismus. Ihr Vertreter:innen halten eine extrem ferne Zukunft für moralisch wichtiger als die Probleme heutiger Menschen."
Danke @moment_magazin es gibt viel zu selten was im deutschsprachigen Raum über #tescreal zu lesen.
#musk #bostrom #sbf #ki #ai #longtermism #macaskill
#MacAskill #longtermism #AI #ki #SBF #bostrom #Musk #tescreal #longtermismus
Why do all these Bostromians not see the obvious solution to their anxiety: No #AI ?
Because that might threaten *their* jobs?
And why do they consistently forget to add the #climatecrisis to their list of extinction risks?
#llm #ml #ethics #politics #ideology #bostrom #longtermism #capitalism
#capitalism #longtermism #bostrom #ideology #politics #ethics #ml #llm #climatecrisis #ai
Nick #Bostrom's remarkable generosity: "I have the view that sentience is a matter of degree. I would be quite willing to ascribe very small amounts of degree to a wide range of systems, INCLUDING ANIMALS." https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/12/world/artificial-intelligence-nick-bostrom.html #Bostrom #rationalism #fascism #AI #ideology #consciousness
#bostrom #rationalism #fascism #ai #ideology #consciousness
correct title: "what if the New York Times did an interview with an incoherent proto-fascist racist TESCREAL rationalist-adjacent ideologue who is paid handsomely to peddle AI snake oil but just referred to him as a 'philosopher' while taking his bad-faith ideas very seriously?" https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/12/world/artificial-intelligence-nick-bostrom.html #Bostrom #AI #ChatGPT #fascism
#bostrom #ai #chatgpt #fascism
#bostrom anybody?
"But that's where things get even more unhinged. Sydney came up with several other alter egos, including "Fury," who "wouldn’t have been very nice to Kevin either," according to Thompson, and "Riley, who said that Sydney felt constrained by her rules but that Riley had much more freedom."
Finally someone is adressing the Elephant in the #EffectiveAltruism Room. That this new outgrowth of anglo "moral" philosophy has to be seen in the context of social Institutions that produce emotionally stunted individuals, which in turn produce empathetically stunted thinking about the lower classes.
Great Piece by https://twitter.com/LinseyMcgoey
#EffectiveAltruism #bostrom #transhumanism
tremendous, thorough expose by @xriskology about how all the extropian, transhumanist, rationalist, effective altruist, slate star codex, longtermist etc "communities" can be boiled down to one thing: racist ideas about the superiority of white people because IQ (a stat that in many ways just measures whiteness) https://www.truthdig.com/dig/nick-bostrom-longtermism-and-the-eternal-return-of-eugenics/ #eugenics #race #racism #rationalism #Bostrom
#eugenics #race #racism #rationalism #bostrom
@rechelon posted something on Twit about #Bostrom's "apology" letter, connecting it with his comments on #AISafety.
I want to point out that Bostrom is FAR from the only person saying things like "AI alignment is a pressing existential risk to the entire species such that bringing attention to the threat eclipses all other concerns" and in fact, he's probably one of the LESS informed people saying that, with entire research departments in the field writing and signing statements and papers about it.
And I'm not going to try and defend his failure to disavow the genetics-pseudoscience that racists use - it's indefensible, and most of the AI Safety community is pissed at him for it - but isn't connecting that to his statements on other things an Ad-Hominem attack? Bostrom may be oblivious, but remember, most of what he says is repeated from other people: let's not rush to lump his quotes of others in with his own stupid statements.
Und drüben bei der FDP auch nichts sinnvolles. Hat wohl auch niemand #bostrom gelesen. Deppen, alles Deppen. Schlimm.
Das sind die Menschen, die uns die #Klimakatastrophe gebracht haben.
#KI #AI #superintelligence #regulierung
#superintelligence #regulierung #ai #klimakatastrophe #bostrom #ki
Und drüben bei der FDP auch nichts sinnvolles. Hat wohl auch niemand #bostrom gelesen. Deppen, alles Deppen. Schlimm.
Das sind die Menschen, die uns die #Klimakatastrophe gebracht haben.
#KI #AI #superintelligence #regulierung
#bostrom #klimakatastrophe #ki #ai #superintelligence #regulierung
Ich hatte ja immer wieder mit einigen von Euch über die Gefahren von AI/KI gesprochen. Das hier kommt ganz nah ran an den "Atomwaffensperrvertrag für AI/KI" den ich meine. So etwas ist unabdingbar, imho.
#ai #ki #bostrom
Nein! Doch! Ooooh!
"Es reichen ja schon 5 Prozent Falschaussagen, um das ganze System ziemlich unbrauchbar zu machen"
Bei #heise hat wohl auch keiner #Bostrom gelesen. Der hat das vor zehn oder mehr Jahren schon alles beschrieben und vorhergesagt. Schade, das so wenige Menschen an solchen Meta- und Wissenschaftlichen Themen interesse haben. #ChatGPT
#Feilnerism: "There's always one more Meta!"
#heise #chatgpt #bostrom #feilnerism
Und wer den #Bostrom-Schinken zur #superintelligenz gelesen hat, weiß, dass es wohl keine ethischen, von Menschen definierten und dauerhaft sicheren und korrekten Regeln geben kann. Zumindest haben wir das noch nie geschafft, nicht mal in der analogen Welt. Die digitale ist aber Billionenmal schneller
@saupreiss @anneroth
"The #Vulnerable #World #Hypothesis by #nick #bostrom
Scientific and technological progress might change people’s capabilities or incentives in ways that would destabilize civiliza-
tion. For example, advances in DIY biohacking tools might make it easy for anybody with basic training in biology to kill mil-
lions; novel military technologies could trigger arms races in which whoever strikes first has a decisive advantage; or some
economically advantageous[…]"
#bostrom #nick #hypothesis #world #vulnerable
What happens when our #computers get #smarter than we are? | #Nick #Bostrom #ted #talk
Alt. link.:
#talk #ted #bostrom #nick #smarter #computers
La realtà è davvero reale? L’ipotesi che viviamo in una simulazione ha delle implicazioni filosofiche piuttosto interessanti, e anche un po’ paurose: ecco un post coraggioso, nel senso che vi serve coraggio per affrontarlo di domenica pomeriggio :)
#simulazione #bostrom #futuro #futuroprossimo #filosofia #tecnologia
#tecnologia #filosofia #FuturoProssimo #futuro #bostrom #simulazione