This next part is a cognitohazard that Philosophy Grads argue about, so don't worry about it: it's just a dude's opinion.
So fast forward like 2500 years, to the 1970s, where #PeterSinger, one of the major #ethics philosophers of our time, wrote an infamous paper called "#Famine, #Affluence, And #Morality" in which he proposed that it was wrong to partake in luxuries, or in general to spend money that you didn't need to spend, was LITERALLY EVIL, because you should be getting that money to charities like UNICEF to fight starvation in the third world. This, he argued, was choosing mild comforts over the lives of others, and that our society is fundamentally flawed for considering charity to be a nice thing when chooses to do and not a moral obligation.
There are a few problems with the notion, including the one we throw at #Bostron and his #EffectiveAltruism crime-cult, lack of Systemic awareness, but the underlying ideas are sound enough that it's a valid argument.
#petersinger #ethics #famine #Affluence #morality #bostron #effectivealtruism