It only costs $400 to make an anti-Russia, anti-China #propaganda bot.
That number approaches $0 when one realises how #tillony works.
#russiaGate #chinaHate #yellowPeril #racism #nazism #xenophobia #botFarms #antiRussia #antiChina
#propaganda #OREALLY #tillony #russiagate #chinahate #YellowPeril #racism #nazism #xenophobia #botFarms #antirussia #antiChina
Something worth learning from #China. Entities that are too popular pose a danger.
Look at people that you are thinking of interacting with if they have more than 3000 followers and only been on fedi since #Nov2022 then it is *very* likely they are using or have used #botFarms to game the #ExploreTimeline, for followers.
This #PopularityModel was abuse on #BigSocialMedia. Since #Nov22 its come to #fediverse.
Limit interactions with them especially if they post images a lot.
#china #nov2022 #botFarms #exploretimeline #PopularityModel #bigsocialmedia #nov22 #fediverse #SmallWeb
Judging by the botFarms on fedi that are setup to hate him, his resistance to #BigPharma and #BigAg, and the fact that he doesn't wish to crush all #soundMoney-bitcoin proponents, we think #RFK is going to be a fair, balanced president for the #USA, who will be able to build a vibrant, new era of #degrowth and #convivialSufficiency.
No more war, no more offshored #bioLabs, a reduced #CIA, and perhaps most importantly, less energy going into these self-righteous #botFarms.
#bigpharma #bigag #soundmoney #rfk #usa #degrowth #convivialSufficiency #biolabs #cia #botFarms #NoMoreWar
Fediverse appears to be replicating the worst elements of #socialMedia now, including enabling and empowering the #botFarms.
It seems to be just replicating the worst elements of the #closedSilo systems, just in a #decentralised way.
We suspect that the way to get to the heart of this issue is to '#followTheMoney'. Where is money pouring into fedi and why? Why has Mastodon not taken long-time software thieves #HellaDoge to task, but jumped on others?
#socialmedia #botFarms #closedSilo #decentralised #followthemoney #HellaDoge #corruption #moneyPrinterGoDrr #FediMeta
@LionsPhil @nicuveo
When we say #BotFarmTimeline we mean the #ExploreTimeline, of course, designed to favour entities with #botFarms backing them.
Mastodon should also restore their javascript-free interface that was recently dropped.
We really need to see other server types like #Epicyon (named after a type of big wild canine), #GNUSocial, and #FireFish gainmore developer interest.
#botfarmtimeline #exploretimeline #botFarms #epicyon #gnusocial #firefish #makejavascriptoptional
It's really interesting to see the bots lampoon #JFK.
To cut a long story short #RobertKennedy is not against bitcoin and wants to limit the number of military bases the #USA have around the world for **no** good reason.
When you see the #botFarms go after JFK with their fake, bot followers, just remember that.
#jfk #robertkennedy #usa #botFarms #nazi #ukraine
@emilygorcenski @jack @witchescauldron
We are pretty sure that when they say "#interoperable", they mean with other bots.
Oh, and let's no forget three-letter-agencies.
#interoperable #botFarms #tlas
We predicted #MastodonDevs were going to do it years ago, see #PopularityModel to see our intuition in full effect. #intuitivelyCorrectAlmostEverytime #prolific
#botFarms #socialMedia #misInfo #disInfo #exploreTab #exploreTimeline #mastodon #hostileTakeover #diaspora #zhitomirskiy #gased #sanFrancisco #fediverse #fediMeta #moneyPrinterContinues #moneyPrinterGoDrrr
#MastodonDevs #PopularityModel #intuitivelycorrectalmosteverytime #prolific #botFarms #socialmedia #misinfo #disinfo #exploretab #exploretimeline #mastodon #hostiletakeover #diaspora #zhitomirskiy #gased #sanfrancisco #fediverse #FediMeta #moneyprintercontinues #moneyprintergodrrr
We were trying to work out what this has to do with #Mastodon. Then we realised the service is likely being inundated by a #botFarm, and Mastodon encourages #botFarms now with the #ExploreTab.
We think someone is trying to offer a 'friendly' service they should probably be on an I2P instance anyway?
#mastodon #botfarm #botFarms #exploretab
It appears that a lot of new #bots are also making their way to the fediverse.
If you don't wish to be overtaken by #botfarms, now is the time to set your account to "approved followers only" and keep a record of the people you are following, and why.
Don't be caught out.
#bots #botFarms #birdsite #TurdSite #mastodon
1995: Where do you want to go today?
2025: What are #botFarms telling you to believe, today?
The reason that #climateScientists are so ineffective is they think they need to spend every waking moment on #TurdSite to explain to bots, programmed to pump out disinfo, how #climateScience is real.
Its pretty funny, really — sad funny.
Tobacco industry eat your heart out.
#climateScientists #TurdSite #climatescience #twitter #botFarms
Tell the #memecoiner that a good place for #shitcoins already exists.
Everyone knows that only #bitcoin and monero are valueable, the rest are #memecoins or (mind our language) #shitcoins.
Ppl like MUSK are elevated on TURDSITE because they are helping to distract from the real. Therefore one can reliably inform the #turdCoiner to hurry along to #turdSite, as #botFarms are ready and waiting for all their shilling needs.
#memeCoiner #shitcoins #bitcoin #memeCoins #turdCoiner #TurdSite #botFarms
@Gargron @dibi58 @wilkie @t54r4n1
So it is very interesting, maybe the situation is different in your countries.
We are interested to know who these people *believe* they are reaching and why we are conditioned to believe growth in reach is always needed. Emphasis on the 'believe'.
Maybe there is a reason we have not been able to attain #convivialSufficiency, as an alleged civil society, yet.
#botFarms #inequality #BGP #DNS #legacyPlatforms #socialPlatforms #reach
#convivialSufficiency #botFarms #inequality #bgp #dns #legacyPlatforms #socialPlatforms #reach
Hi Joel,
We think this quote by you was most salient, validating suspicions expressed on Fedi almost a year ago that #Mastodon is being coopted to serve the #PopularityModel and #influencers with access to #botFarms:
> the "spirit of mastodon" is also to not show boosts and favorites until a toot is fully opened to discourage mob mentality and such, and yet the official app has those... It looks like a Twitter client
It ought to be fixed, asap.
#mastodon #PopularityModel #influencers #botFarms #perverseIncentives
All this time, the #AUKCANZUS bots have been pushing anti-Russia talking points? If it weren't for the projecting we'd never have guessed.
If we're going to muddle through a medley of #RussiaGate tropes, why not fast-forward to fever-pitched rumors of #BidensPooPooTapes… or not.
At least that would be believeable, though.
#AUKCANZUS #russiagate #BidensPooPooTapes #projection #botFarms #bots