Used #pymumble and #icecast to stream audio from #mopidy to my #mumble server
I used #botamusique music bot for mumble up until now, but I was wondering if it'd be possible to use a well known solution like mopidy or a `subsonic`-compatible server for this.
It seemed excessive to me that botamusique reimplements the typical player features like playlists (but adds a convenient YT wrapper though), while aiming to be just a bot.
Mopidy is great for a "jukebox" style playback, where many users can control the same music stream. On the other hand, if you use a #subsonic server and play audio in 4 browser windows, each one will get an independent video stream. There's a Jukebox mode for Subsonic that I didn't check, though.
The only thing that was missing in Mopidy from botamusique was the ability to play audio from yt videos. Thankfully, mopidy-yt exists.
After that, just set Mopidy to output to icecast, and read the icecast stream with ffmpeg, connect as a bot user to Mumble, and play the audio :)
#pymumble #icecast #mopidy #mumble #botamusique #subsonic