A really fun time at the #Botany2023 meeting in Boise. Great to see Jessica Savage again!
When audience is asking a question and they don't have a mic (why doesn't the audience have a mic), remember to repeat the question into your mic. This is a good place for the moderator/introducer to step up because the speaker may be very focused on their presentation and this isn't yet an ingrained accessibility habit for us. #Botany2023 #DisabledAndSTEM
Dr. Heyduk did a quick check with the in-person audience to make sure they could hear her. This is modeling good practice. #Botany2023
Among the many academic accomplishments they're listing, they're highlighting her work on inclusion in STEM. #Botany2023
For my followers who may be unfamiliar CAM is Crassulacean acid metabolism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crassulacean_acid_metabolism
The introduction is telling the audience her academic background and reading from the letters that nominated her as BSA Emerging Leader 2023. #Botany2023
#Botany2023 Emerging Leader Lecture is Karolina Heyduk of UConn "Up all night (to understand the evolution of CAM photosynthesis)"
Workflow created by The Hidden Figures Working Group and now taught to students/volunteers. #Botany2023 #NaturalHistory #History
#botany2023 #naturalhistory #history
The problem is larger even than patriarchy...racism, ethnocentrism, classism come into play when it comes to proper attribution & credit for collections.
Forrest relied on local Naxi people, and most especially upon Zhao Chengzhang, whose invaluability he acknowledges in correspondence with others, but not in the published scientific articles/record. #Botany2023 #Racism #Classism #WomenInSTEM
#botany2023 #racism #classism #womenInSTEM
But there are problems with the digitization process. They call one "Mrs. Man Name" - it was customer even up past the middle of the 20th century, for married women to be known only as Mrs. <husband's name>. This makes finding out about the woman and properly crediting her difficult. #Botany2023 #WomenInSTEM
Collection digitization has made information more accessible (as we all had re-emphasized to us during this pandemic). #Botany2023
The Q & A period has been pretty solicitous of in-person attendees. They have not included online questioners despite there being an interface for online attendees to ask questions. Right now they're strategizing where on the conference site to move an in-person meeting to and they're also talking about their Slack and other things - but they're talking exclusively to in-person atttendees. #Botany2023
Now going into the trouble background of museums, how they began as the collections of rich, powerful men, how they were about collecting to *possess* and control.
Session is "Supporting inclusive and sustainable research infrastructure for systematics (SISRIS) by connecting scientists and their specimens" #Botany2023
After a couple days of skipping the quadricycle ride in order to attend this conference online, I decided to prioritize exercise this morning.
I just dropped into one of the 2 live choices I have right now. They're talking about https://bionomia.net/
Today's positives:
- Found a couple contributed papers and videos on the online #Botany2023 portal that address things up my alley.
- Happy to see other online attendees speaking up about inaccessibility (even if they don't realize that's what it is by that label).
- AC is working and the weather this week is about 10 degrees cooler than last week.
- Got a belated reply from another speaker from the NASEM Disrupting Ableism thang.
I've been told several times that online options for conferences (much less equitable accessible options) are "too expensive".
I'm looking at tweets of conferences at a hotel, with catering, with bar, with free swag for attendees, and with in-person attendees having far more options and more care taken for their inclusion and WE who are sitting in our own homes, using our own electricity/broadband to view a small selection online are the ones who are "too expensive"? #Botany2023
What the online options for discussion look like at this particular hybrid conference. #Botany2023 #DisabledAndSTEM #Ableism
#botany2023 #disabledandstem #ableism
Lots of people continue to support Musk and the values he brings to Twitter/X.
I'm trying to build value here by livetweeting as best I can as an online attendee given 2nd class status. #Botany2023 #DisabledAndSTEM
From U of Chicago Press "Whether you’re attending or not, you can now browse our virtual exhibit. Check out our featured books and get 30%off & free domestic shipping with promo code EX57448
https://bit.ly/3NSBwXo #BSA2023 "
The Botanical History Matters section also has a video by Dr. Lisa Delissio. "Uncovering New England's Historical Women Botanists: The Life & Work of Charlotte Nichols Saunders Horner". Delissio has an earlier paper published here: https://digitalrepository.salemstate.edu/handle/20.500.13013/2926
She used Beautiful.AI to build her presentation and when she asked for images of botanists - the results were all (white) men.
#botany2023 #history #botany #womenInSTEM