Executions low
But high-profile failures
Force states to pause
#deathpenalty #botchedexecutions #2022 #haiku #poetry
#deathpenalty #botchedexecutions #haiku #poetry
Racism, gruesome errors, and botched executions: Inside America’s four-person, 48-hour execution spree | The Independent
States continue to struggle with the basics of swift, humane executions, Josh Marcus reports
#botchedexecutions #executions #racism #DeathPenalty #joshmarcus
Three #botchedexecutions in three days. When will we end the inhumane madness of the #deathpenalty. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/11/death-penalty-lethal-injection-botched-hooper-barbee-smith.html
#law #lawfedi #capitalpunishment
#botchedexecutions #deathpenalty #law #lawfedi #capitalpunishment
After two horrific #botchedexecutions #Alabama Governor #KayIvey has decided to pause #executions. How about abolishing the #deathpenalty. That would solve the problem. #abolition #capitalpunishment #law @law #fedilaw https://www.al.com/news/2022/11/gov-kay-ivey-orders-moratorium-on-executions-in-alabama.html
#botchedexecutions #alabama #kayivey #executions #deathpenalty #abolition #capitalpunishment #law #fedilaw