@LionsPhil @nicuveo
When we say #BotFarmTimeline we mean the #ExploreTimeline, of course, designed to favour entities with #botFarms backing them.
Mastodon should also restore their javascript-free interface that was recently dropped.
We really need to see other server types like #Epicyon (named after a type of big wild canine), #GNUSocial, and #FireFish gainmore developer interest.
#botfarmtimeline #exploretimeline #botFarms #epicyon #gnusocial #firefish #makejavascriptoptional
@LionsPhil @nicuveo
Re #hashtags. We have a pinned toot about it, it's that important.
On fedi, use #milkshakeDuck, not simply 'milkshake duck'.
In addition to being able to import toots, there *does* need to be a way to do #booleanSearch for #hashtags.
eg. Either/or: #icecream #icecreme #gelato #gelati
Addition: #icecream #icecreme +#fediArt
Subtraction: #btc -#nft
It seems #MastodonDevs are more interested in shadowban functions and #antiFeatures like the #botFarmTimeline, tho.
#hashtags #MilkshakeDuck #booleansearch #icecream #icecreme #gelato #gelati #fediart #btc #nft #MastodonDevs #antifeatures #botfarmtimeline