““fallacy of the golden mean,” a concept that dates back to Aristotle and Ancient Greek philosophy. Debates like these lead observers to believe that both sides of an argument have equal value and that the truth lies halfway.
There is no “#bothsidesing” science. Whether discussing private pay or for-profit investor-owned delivery, the evidence tells a clear story: we can’t afford #PrivatizedHealthCare.”
#bothsidesing #privatizedhealthcare
News outlets continue their policy of #bothsidesing in their coverage of the #war in #Ukraine. Search results for Ukraine immediately bring up a barrage of unpretentious Russian #propaganda about "cluster munitions" (the mention of cluster munitions is a mandatory feature of Russian #fake news, which makes them easily recognizable), that allegedly hit a university in Donetsk, temporarily controlled by Russia, or about an "attack on civilian tanker near Crimean Bridge". https://www.reuters.com/site-search/?query=Ukraine
#bothsidesing #war #ukraine #propaganda #fake
@ScienceDesk ⬆️
So now @TheGuardian is #BothSidesing #disinformation ?
But there IS always room for improving #SciComm , because “Only YOU can prevent #TruthDecay !” 👉 https://cen.acs.org/acs-news/comment/ACS-Comment-prevent-truth-decay/100/i16
#bothsidesing #disinformation #scicomm #truthdecay
Rule #1 of counterdisinfo: DON'T PICK UP THE IDIOT BALL.
That means, when the #GQP is rolling out one of their endless disgusting psyop nothingburgers, don't amplify it in the process of critiquing it.
Don't fall for the false equivalency. If you hear yourself saying: "Well, yeah we really should find out why Biden had those classified documents." Or "You know we really should, at long last, get control of our borders, this can't continue."
What you're doing is validating shit that has nothing to do with reality. It's ALL red herrings.
Not even the most batshit republicans are remotely concerned about the contents of their #idiotballs.
(Because they're all pure power plays.)
They're designed to confuse and deflect.
Learn about how this #bothsidesing, #whataboutism, #redherring #idiotball shit works, or remain a useful idiot for #fascism
#GQP #idiotballs #bothsidesing #whataboutism #redherring #idiotball #fascism
Depends on which "media." Ad-supported media thrives on #bothsidesing that keeps the $$$ flowing. But that's about to hit a wall.
Once the #GQP shuts down our government and forces the US into debt default, trashing the economy--the inherent conflict between corporate #capitalism and #whitesupremacy will be laid bare.
This national self-sabotage is not going to be pretty for anyone.
#bothsidesing #GQP #capitalism #whitesupremacy