I was thinking about making a bot that posts random stamps, but I couldn't find an archive that would contain proper image descriptions, and I didn't want to post images without those.
So instead I'm just going to share the stamp that inspired me, the 1998 World Telecommunications Day stamp from Republic of Djibouti.
#stamp #stamps #stampcollecting #bots #botidea
Encara m'estic adaptant al #fedivers i em pregunto... Podria jo tenir un servidor només per a mi?
M'ho imagino com la meva illa privada. La podria poblar amb bots que em portessin noticies, hashtags i coses interessants del exterior, que responguesin als meus toots, configurables en temps real, etc.
Ja va sent hora de treure-li la pols al Python.
#fedivers #fediverso #python #botidea