@Postcards4CA sure does! Convo including Kim &Alice re: #AZ down ballot races drawing voters to polls, ex. Lorena Austin, Seth Blattmann and Eva Diaz. #BottomsUpPostcarding was birthed! Gave us a tag for side hustles.
@setha45 Good follow up to October announcement. I ordered a dozen rolls of postcard #stamps recently for my #PostcardsToVoters, #PostcardsToSwingStates, #ActivateAmerica, and #BottomsUpPostcarding. Reordered first class for other needs as well. TBF, #usps did warn us there’d be 2 increases this year.
#stamps #postcardstovoters #postcardstoswingstates #activateamerica #bottomsuppostcarding #usps
@scottspeaking great work! I’ve been writing with #PostcardsToVoters since their second campaign. This year I stretched out to #ctivateAmerica to PA. #BottomsUpPostcarding supported a few critical #AZ State House races.
#postcardstovoters #ctivateamerica #bottomsuppostcarding #az