For the first time in a while we have some pretty kick-ass #HealthInsurance, I hope.
Once it kicks in I should be able to schedule my #orchiectomy in about a month, and next year I should qualify for a leave of absence which I can use for recovery from #BottomSurgery
This #girl is having #dreams come true!
#healthinsurance #orchiectomy #bottomsurgery #girl #dreams
MacGyverMedical (an RN who posts medical info for fiction writers) on Tumblr has a thoughtful post on phalloplasty (with some insights into collaboration between MDs in the military & trans communities).
Aside: Not surprising, I guess, that initially the military didn't give a rat's a$$ for the mental & sexual health of soldiers. Just fodder who'd lost some meat.
#WhumpReference #trans #transgender #phalloplasty #BottomSurgery #military #SexualHealth #MentalHealth
#mentalhealth #sexualhealth #military #bottomsurgery #phalloplasty #transgender #trans #whumpreference
I just saw the thread by @vagina_museum about innie and outie vulvas, and that made me wonder:
When you have vulvoplasty (transfem bottom surgery), can you pick what kind of vulva (innie or outie) you want?
#transfem #transwoman #trans #bottomsurgery #vaginoplasty
How difficult is dealing with stairs after #bottomsurgery , for a person who is able to handle them otherwise? I'm looking for places to stay since I have to travel to do this, and I found what looks like a good place, but it has stairs to get between the bedroom and the rest of the apartment. #trans #transfemme
#bottomsurgery #trans #transfemme
I know for a fact that I'll be good at dilation after SRS because I'm terrified of not putting my piercings back in for fear of the holes will close up.
#transwomenarewomen #transwomenarerealwomen #bottomsurgery #humor #neovagina
#neovagina #humor #bottomsurgery #transwomenarerealwomen #transwomenarewomen
I find it interesting how oneβs transition goals and/or dysphoria triggers can change as one progresses down their path. I have long been indifferent towards #grs #bottomsurgery for myself but of late it, I find myself far more interested in some upgrades down there π#trans
Just wrote a new update to my #GoFundMe for #BottomSurgery. To find out way more about me than you probably want to know, check it out:
I want to draw some sex ed infographics about bottom surgery options for trans folks on the FTM and MTF spectra that includes lesser-known surgical options that already exist in real life, like nullpatches, vagina-sparing metaiodoplasty, phallus-sparing vaginoplasty, and so on.
This isn't the sort of thing I normally draw (I'm a PG rated artist), and so I'm honestly not sure how comfortable I'll feel about completing this project, but I'm really concerned about how we trans-folk are all insufficiently informed about the full scope of our transition options. I haven't seen illustrations like this anywhere. I'll make the project public domain when it's done, so folks can translate it and put it in wikis and stuff. I'm figuring it could help make for happier trans folk in the future.
In order to draw that, I'll need a lot of the right kinds of resources. Would you folks please send me links-- with the links neatly labeled with type of surgery and CWs, so I've got a heads-up about what I'm getting into if I click-- that have descriptions and pictures about these other lower surgery options, which would be useful for making such diagrams?
(Uh, and just a *few* tags to help this circulate)
#trans #ftm #mtf #nonbinary #BottomSurgery #altersex #transition
#transition #altersex #bottomsurgery #nonbinary #mtf #ftm #trans