Holt moly, I've never seen this happen. Startled me!
Introducing the 2023 Group D Candidates...
• Ham Tobin (The Great North) (defending champion)
• Stan Marsh (South Park)
• Hunter (The Owl House)
• Philip J. Fry (Futurama)
#BattleOfTheWeek #BOTW2023 #TheGreatNorth #TheGreatNorthFox #SouthPark #TheOwlHouse #Futurama #Cartoon #Animation
#battleoftheweek #botw2023 #TheGreatNorth #thegreatnorthfox #southpark #theowlhouse #futurama #cartoon #animation
Introducing the 2023 Group C Candidates...
• Quinn Ergon (Final Space)
• Reagan Ridley (Inside Job)
• Louise Belcher (Bob's Burgers)
• Molly Tillerman (Central Park)
#BattleOfTheWeek #BOTW2023 #FinalSpace #InsideJob #BobsBurgers #BobsBurgersFox #BobsBurgersMovie #CentralPark #CentralParkTV #Cartoon #Animation
#battleoftheweek #botw2023 #finalspace #insidejob #bobsburgers #bobsburgersfox #BobsBurgersMovie #centralpark #centralparktv #cartoon #animation
Introducing the 2023 Group B Candidates...
• Feliciano Vargas/Italy (Hetalia)
• Piccolo (Dragon Ball)
• Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
• Shikamaru Nara (Naruto)
#BattleOfTheWeek #BOTW2023 #Hetalia #DragonBall #DragonBallZ #DragonBallSuper #Bleach #Naruto #Shippduen #Boruto #Anime
#battleoftheweek #botw2023 #hetalia #dragonball #dragonballz #dragonballsuper #bleach #naruto #shippduen #boruto #anime
Introducing the 2023 Group A Candidates...
• Jolyne Cujoh (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
• Nami (One Piece)
• Riko (Made in Abyss)
• Momo Yaororozu (My Hero Academia)
#BattleOfTheWeek #BOTW2023 #JoJosBizarreAdventure #OnePiece #MadeInAbyss #MyHeroAcademia #Anime
#battleoftheweek #botw2023 #jojosbizarreadventure #onepiece #madeinabyss #myheroacademia #anime
Here, stalhorse buddy, have a treat!
(Don't get jealous, Epona - you just ate a whole bushel of carrots!)
One of these seven or eight choices will play title defense for the upcoming 2023 season of the voting tournament. Who will it be? Comment below!
#BattleOfTheWeek #BOTW2023 #TheGreatNorth #TheGreatNorthFox #Cartoon #BlogAllTheTime
#battleoftheweek #botw2023 #TheGreatNorth #thegreatnorthfox #cartoon #blogallthetime
The tenth season of the Battle of the Week Voting Tournament is upon us! 16 new candidates will be announced sometime next week! #BattleOfTheWeek #BOTW2023
Me while this is happening:
"Whee! Fun! ... Oh no - I'm gonna kill that cute lil' fox! Nooo! ... *hop* ... Wait, did that just happen? Whew!"
I saved these guys from killer bokos in the desert, and this is how they thank me.😅
My #BotW2023 itinerary:
Clear the map of everything possible, to the point where I am ready to meet the four tribes’ leaders. Fully upgrade all armor - including Amiibo armor, which will require ton of Star Fragments. Complete the Compendium (no purchases from Symin!).
First weekend of Maart:
Do the whole story portion in one big emotional stretch. Then enjoy the Champions’ Ballad, attend a wedding in TarreyTown, and walk with Wolf Link from TarreyTown to Hyrule Castle.
I really hope we have more intense, lynel-like enemies in #TearsOfTheKingdom; learning how to counter their attack patterns has been really satisfying.
#tearsofthekingdom #botw2023 #breathofthewild
The interlude music in From the Ground Up always makes me feel things..
Finally met The Lord of the Mountain yesterday, and my first instinct was to introduce him to Quince, the gentleman at Wetland Stable who had told me about his terrifying encounter with the creature.
His dog, Satty, ended-up getting along famously with the Lord - and even photobombed the Compendium entry!
A tale in 4 frames:
You can get the Riola Springs korok without the Zora Armor by jumping off of the top of the waterfall, draining your stamina on the glide down, triggering the racepad without touching the ground, and then drowning to respawn back atop the waterfall.
(Thanks to SpecsN Stats on youtube. That's how I learned this trick!)
G’morning! Final day of vacation begins now. I’m full of espresso, there’s a small fire going in the fireplace, and I’m ready to explore.
To put my GO-GO-GO life on pause and enjoy something I love.. it has been amazing for my mental and emotional state. Downright therapeutic.
This was an absolute joyride. Still don’t know how I made it through unscathed.😅
The Master Sword’s beam is waaay more useful than many folks realize. When fully upgraded, it uses zero durability.
Some of its uses:
•knocking Rushrooms & Swift Violets off of the sides of cliffs
•destroying boxes and wooden crates
•hitting Stone Tali and Hinoces in their weak points
•knocking bokoblins off of their horses
•popping Korok targets
•knocking apples off of trees
•killing nuisance enemies (keese/chuchus/stalkoblins)
Another long day of lazy exploration. It’s been blissful. I started the day combing the beach, and ended it up in the snowy mountains looking for a dragon’s shrine.