Mural by.Hush @hushartist in Paris 13th, @boulevardparis13 boulevard Vincent Auriol, Ⓜ️ Nationale or Place d'Italie
#fredob_hush #hush #boulevardvincentauriol #boulevardparis13 #streetartparis13 #galerieitinerrance #muralspoetry #hushartist
#fredob_hush #hush #boulevardvincentauriol #boulevardparis13 #streetartparis13 #galerieitinerrance #muralspoetry #hushartist
Artwork by Walter Nomura aka Tinho @tinho23sp in Paris 13th, @boulevardparis13 ( @galerie_itinerrance ), rue Jenner, between Ⓜ️ Chevaleret and Ⓜ️ Nationale
#fredob_tinho23sp #tinho23sp #thino #boulevardparis13 #galerieitinerrance #streetartparis13 #artistebresilien #paris13streetart #ruejenner #walternomura
#fredob_tinho23sp #tinho23sp #thino #boulevardparis13 #galerieitinerrance #streetartparis13 #artistebresilien #paris13streetart #ruejenner #walternomura
Part of Rise Above Rebel by Shepard Fairey aka Obey @obeygiant in Paris 13th, @boulevardparis13 & @galerie_itinerrance , rue Jeanne d'Arc , corner with boulevard Vincent Auriol, Ⓜ️ Nationale
#fredob_obeygiant #obey #obeygiant #shepardfairey #streetartparis13 #ruejeannedarc #boulevardvincentauriol #galerieitinerrance #boulevardparis13
#fredob_obeygiant #obey #obeygiant #shepardfairey #streetartparis13 #ruejeannedarc #boulevardvincentauriol #galerieitinerrance #boulevardparis13
Part of Rise Above Rebel by Shepard Fairey aka Obey @obeygiant in Paris 13th, @boulevardparis13 & @galerie_itinerrance , rue Jeanne d'Arc , corner with boulevard Vincent Auriol, Ⓜ️ Nationale
#fredob_obeygiant #obey #obeygiant #shepardfairey #streetartparis13 #ruejeannedarc #boulevardvincentauriol #galerieitinerrance #boulevardparis13
#fredob_obeygiant #obey #obeygiant #shepardfairey #streetartparis13 #ruejeannedarc #boulevardvincentauriol #galerieitinerrance #boulevardparis13
« Untitled » 2012, hammer & chisel, by Alexandre Farto aka Vhils @vhils in Paris 13th, @boulevardparis13 , rue du Château des Rentiers, Ⓜ️ Place d'Italie or Nationale
#fredob_vhils #vhils #streetartparis13 #rueduchateaudesrentiers #scratchingthesurface #hammerandchisel #boulevardparis13 #paris13streetart #streetart
#fredob_vhils #vhils #streetartparis13 #rueduchateaudesrentiers #scratchingthesurface #hammerandchisel #boulevardparis13 #paris13streetart #streetart