Come one, come all, to the !

This we've got a bumper event for the whole parish! Starting with the Coronation Parade at Village Green from 12:30pm, follow along to the Coronation Carnival at 1pm.

? We've got them! A big ? You bet! Stalls, traditional games, and more besides, commemorate the in style and bring your whole family down to Lawley Primary School's sports field from 1pm until 4pm!

#kingcoronation #Carnival #Sunday #Lawley #bouncycastles #picnic #fairground #Coronation #Overdale #telford

Last updated 2 years ago

Stever Robbins · @stever
1406 followers · 65 posts · Server

@IHPower I saw a bouncy castle a few years ago at a street fair and hopped right in. It was so much fun bouncing up in the air like a kid. Then I came back down at a slight angle. Turns out that somewhere in your 30s, your bones calcify. So are still fun, but as Chance the Gardner said, “I like to watch.”


Last updated 2 years ago