Paracelsus famously said "It is only the dose which makes a thing poison." Borders constrain and divide, they are often contested, policed, enforced. Yet they also protect, define, collect... Their value is in the way that they and their permeability are navigated.
#borders #identity #self #others #boundaries #boundarymaking #Paracelsus
#PARACELSUS #boundarymaking #boundaries #others #self #identity #borders
#introductionpost - thanks for reblogging!
In my work I theorize processes of #(de)migranticization, #boundarymaking, #bordering, and their production of #inequalities linked to #ethnicity, #racialization, #class, #gender. My work is anchored in #reflexivemigrationstudies and I am interested in #knowledgeproduction and power. I analyse the ways the logics of the #nation-state and #coloniality (in intersection with gender/sexuality/class) lead to contemporary forms of Othering/exclusions.
#coloniality #nation #knowledgeproduction #reflexivemigrationstudies #gender #class #racialization #ethnicity #inequalities #bordering #boundarymaking #introductionpost