Just got back from the #boundarywaters in northern Minnesota. If you ever want to detach from the internet, enjoy the quiet, and/or see loons, this is your bet.
#boundarywaters #bwca #nature #photography #islands
Hot run and on gravel / paved roads just outside the #BoundaryWaters in #Minnesota.
I don't really have the confidence for trail running, worried I'd tweak an ankle 🤔#running
#boundarywaters #minnesota #running
Yesterday's ice report from Sawbill Outfitters on Sawbill Lake:
April 20th ice check!
We're in the middle of another winter storm, so spring melt has significantly slowed around here.
Today's total is 30"
12" of snow and slush
18" of solid ice
#Minnesota #iceout #boundarywaters #bwca
@bryanhansel Looks like you are ready to go! 👍 Love the #BoundaryWaters (I’ve been there once) and the idea of a million + acres of #RoadlessWilderness still in existence on the continent. I stood, literally on the boundary, and looked out over the vast and beautiful land, and my heart soared. ….Happy journeys friend.
#Nature #wildplaces #roadlesswilderness #boundarywaters
Via #AdamGoldstein in our DC bureau: U.S. #InteriorDepartment ends threat of federal mine leasing on public lands in Minnesota #BoundaryWaters.
#adamgoldstein #interiordepartment #boundarywaters
Best news I've heard all year!!
#Minnesota #Environment #BoundaryWaters #BWCA https://www.mprnews.org/story/2023/01/26/feds-slap-20year-mining-ban-on-land-near-boundary-waters
#minnesota #environment #boundarywaters #bwca
This is great news for the Boundary Waters. “Biden administration imposes 20-year mining ban on 225,000 acres of northern Minnesota”
#minnesota #outdoors #boundarywaters
RT @WildLegacy@twitter.com
BREAKING NEWS: @POTUS@twitter.com moves to permanently protect #BoundaryWaters in a big win for public lands. Read @SierraClub@twitter.com's statement here: https://www.sierraclub.org/press-releases/2023/01/sierra-club-applauds-biden-move-protect-boundary-waters
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WildLegacy/status/1618697477837979649
Pristine #BoundaryWaters protected from massive-scale environmentally catastrophic sulfide mining by #DebHaaland and the U.S. Dept. of the Interior! 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/biden-administration-boundary-waters-20-year-mining-ban_n_63d28ca8e4b0c2b49adad587
Good thing #StinkyZinke is not still in that Cabinet position! #ElectionsMatter
#boundarywaters #debhaaland #stinkyzinke #ElectionsMatter
The #Minnesota Legislative session begins on January 3rd. This is the best chance in years to pass a law that will protect the #BoundaryWaters and #LakeSuperior for future generations!
Copper-sulfide mining threatens our clean water, and it has never been done without polluting. Tell Gov. Walz that before a copper-sulfide mine could be permitted, #Minnesota needs proof it won't pollute! #ProveItFirst
#minnesota #boundarywaters #lakesuperior #proveitfirst