RT @bookanista@twitter.com
Picture them "flirting at the Black Forest Village, or watching that gal making ice cream from junket.. Automated magic. There is even a robot that can smoke a cigarette.” Roll up to the Chicago World's Fair! @DawnRaffel@twitter.com #BoundlessastheSky @saggingmeniscus@twitter.com https://bookanista.com/look-to-the-skies/
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RT @Loudmouthkid62@twitter.com
#HappyPublicationDay @DawnRaffel@twitter.com!
#ShortStories #Fiction
“This profile of a city within a city creates a Russian nesting doll of urban tableaux…. This is one to savor.”
—Publishers Weekly🌟
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Loudmouthkid62/status/1615490068331864065
#HappyPublicationDay #shortstories #fiction #boundlessasthesky #cities
RT @Loudmouthkid62@twitter.com
PW Picks: Books of the Week, January 16, 2022 @PublishersWkly@twitter.com
“…sublime collection, which is divided into two parts…This is one to savor.”
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Loudmouthkid62/status/1614346094644789254
#shortstories #boundlessasthesky #literaryfiction